

23.09.2024 17:02
Linkisnt she getting cancelled or something

23.09.2024 17:04
Linkwhat??? i dont know i havent been online anywhere that's not on this site, why would she be getting cancelled???

23.09.2024 17:22
Linkshe likes alfreds playhouse nd drew her oc ina really short and revealing kimono i think

23.09.2024 17:26
Linkwhat's alfreds playhouse??? also i think i know what you're talking about on the second one but it's been a bit so im not 100% sure aghhh idont want her to be problematic wgat!!!!!

23.09.2024 17:34
Linkits like a weird newgrounds thing with a nazi dog who gets sexually assaulted a bunch 😭 ??

23.09.2024 17:35
Linkwgat the ****😭?? that sounds weird wht why would someone even make that

23.09.2024 17:41
Linki beleev yioure talking bt the person who stole their oc and they made it like reeelyreeeely simular to them i hav their account information onf tiktok i can give it to u afterschool sorry for chaining

23.09.2024 17:43
Linkthe person who like copied this oc is the person who did all that weird stuffs and is being ummmmmmmmmm cancelled

23.09.2024 17:44
Linkthe person on the og account made like an announcment about how they stole their oc and how theyre being a diddy

23.09.2024 17:45
Linkwhat😭!!! now i am confused lmao. but even after school i will not have my phone unless i sneak it you can give it anyway tho i'll try to sneak it soon. ihope you are right and it's not the original creator because ilove jisatsu☹

23.09.2024 20:27
Linkhuhh no cuz i was looking at her actual acc and that was the stuff posted 😭 someone in her comments asked her if she liked afp and she said something like yep