- create flipbook animations online!
08.01.2019 12:42
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if you're wondering about yesterday, yes, it did go to shit. i can't even describe to you what happened when i got home; i don't think it lines up with any disorder i have or might have, and it's never happened to me or anyone i know before so i'm really confused. in a nutshell, i was tired but couldn't stop pacing, time seemed to speed up and slow down randomly, a lot of times i'd go from super angry for no reason to completely empty, i couldn't think at all because my thoughts were blurred, and it felt like i was in a lucid dream the whole time. i barely remember having a conversation with my friends while in that state, hell i completely forgot i had it for a while. the only thing i really remember about it was how i felt and when i was spacing out into nothing. plus i had a bad day at school anyways;
08.01.2019 12:42
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getting my ass handed to me in kickball while the other team screamed at me every time i did something i didn't like (breathed, blinked, existed) and used me as a scapegoat to cheat after they made it look like i cheated when instead they did. (i was walking back to 3rd base because the kicker got a foul and they tossed the ball before i was at my base so it looked like i was just standing at the halfway point between two bases, then everyone on the other team just stood in the middle of each base and blamed me when someone pointed it out), getting a 45% on homework i lost sleep over and spent weeks on, going through the most emotionally draining and anxiety inducing kahoot ever, getting humiliated on the bus, and having to drag myself and a 20 pound bookbag up a hill. so that was my day yesterday.
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