Um, question,,,
29.12.2021 01:59
29.12.2021 02:02
LinkOk so this is towards ppl who have phones
So like I never rlly had a phone, well for this long, last time I had a phone stuff happened, now I have a new phone and idk what to do with it- like uh- idk🤡I actually don’t really know🤷like I never rlly understand phones that much so like uuuh what do I do to like start out? Idk I just need some guidance if anyone can give it🙏
honestly the first thing i got was snapchat;discord;insta to talk to my friends w/ but thats just me
first question is what type of phone is it ? and do u need help setting it up or is it already set up and ur just not sure what u can do with it ?
Well when i get new phone it usually set up w like my own email and stuff but rn this is a hand down😺 usually i'd say get certain ppl's phone numbers or get whatever apps u wanna get-u dont have to use it for call or texting if u dont wanna but u could use it for like games and stuff yk