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Part 2 electric boogaloo (lmt
26.04.2023 14:46
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Content warnings for this one! -Violence -Blood -Wound descriptions (please specify if you would prefer me not to go too into detail, i like writing injury descriptions but dont wanna bug anyone) -Tension -Cussing (ofc) -potentially running into a gang of hot cowboys (/lh/hj) -Developing an emotional attachment to a certain brunette (/lh/hj)
26.04.2023 14:46
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Wandering about the desert near your town your oc stumbles upon a young man slumped against the rocks, at first glance he looks dead, unable to even swat at the insects buzzing near, the only clue that he was either still alive, or hadnā€™t been there long was the lack of vultures, theyā€™re usually quick to come to a corpse, creeping closer you could see he was still breathing, but just barely, heā€™d been hit over the head pretty hard, his face was slightly fĆ»cked up, rendering him mostly unrecognizable, but there was something unsettlingly familiar about him, but you couldnā€™t put your finger on it, but this was dangerous territory, he was certainly a stranger, and could be bad news, but if you left him he could possibly end up dying out here, and youā€™d have that on your conscience heā€™d lost enough blood as it is, he looked like heā€™d clearly been in a gun fight of sorts, maybe even been mugged, the outlaws around these parts where ruthless, it wouldnā€™t be above them to bludgeon a victim if they themselves where
26.04.2023 14:46
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losing, his arm was broken, you could tell as much considering he was lying on it, and his shoulder was royally fƻcked up What will you do? (Def didnt Copy & paste from the old one no no
26.04.2023 17:06
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Makes it even again
17.05.2023 13:42
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Makes it even once more
26.04.2023 14:48
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oh my lordy lord
26.04.2023 14:48
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grabbing blackburn
26.04.2023 14:48
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26.04.2023 14:52
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i know it's been forever, would you like me to make a new Blackburn ref or nah
26.04.2023 14:56
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I really donā€™t mind at all, do whatever you wanna Iā€™m drawing a more accurate injury inclusive version of Mitch Bc the injuries he sustained here would cause some permanent damage And Iā€™ve been taking forensics classes n shit So thisā€™ll be fun So if you wanna,,, in turn with updated Mitch,, you cooould update Blackburn,,
26.04.2023 15:04
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(I've changed Blackburn personality wise but his design has stayed mostly the same,,) Blackburn pulled the reins on his horse making it stop. He narrowed his eye and hopped off, Blackburn didn't want to stay out here long, he knew the dangers and risks of it. He stepped toward Mitch and crouched down. Blackburn cocked his head as he observed his wounds. After a moment he clicked his tongue and attempted to pick the young man up.
26.04.2023 15:12
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(Oooooh how so,,,) Mitch was lying there, neatly wedged between two rocks, it wasnā€™t enough that Blackburn couldnā€™t pull him up, but it was a bit of a struggle, the blood was crusted along his clothes and the injuries where partially visible through the cloth, the head injury was the worst from what could be seen, it split his eyebrow and the skin along his head, it was the injury that was bleeding the most, soaking the bandanna he had on and the front of his shirt, oh good he was breathing still, ragged and struggling, as if heā€™d been compressed into an awkward position so long that his lungs couldnā€™t stay functioning right, his eye opened the moment he was touched, the eyelid drooping slightly from exhaustion and the damage to the bone along his eye, his skull was slightly dented in as well, he tried to speak, only managing a slurred groan of pain.
26.04.2023 15:21
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(he's more like, mean ig? he still has that caring heart but he doesn't really like to show it. as the og blackburn was just like an old squid dad) "shh kid, save your energy.." his voice was low and rough as he spoke. Blackburn tried his best not to touch any of the wounds but he couldn't prevent causing any pain as he had to move Mitch around a bit to get him off of the rocks. After he had done so he carried Mitch bridle style to his horse. Blackburn laid Mitch down on his stomach over the horses back, "this isn't going to be a comfortable ride, but there's not much I can do. unless you want me to drag you.." he said as he got on the horse. The horse started at a slow trot.
26.04.2023 15:34
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(Ahhh i see,, so he wont just take someone shooting him in the leg again /j But thisā€™ll be fun..) He mumbled something else before just letting Blackburn carry him, a soft whimpering gasp slipping from him the moment he was free from the rocks, ragged desperation to properly breathe as he struggled to sit up a bit in Blackburns arms, but instead, he just slumped against him, his eyes partially open, the right one still drooped lower than the other however. The blood was dripping down his lips, he didnā€™t even have the energy to wipe it away, little bubbles of blood and spit mixed and slipped between his teeth, after being placed stomach down on the horses back he made a quiet noise before trying to resposition himself, using his not as mangled arm he'd grab onto the reigns and pull himself up a bit more, managing to get himself side saddle, before just slumping against Blackburn, managing to whisper a soft, but slurred, "Thhnmk yyhh,." [Thank you]
26.04.2023 16:01
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(nah he will not be taking that šŸš¶) "hmm.." was his only response, he wasn't much of a social person. It'd take awhile before they'd arrive at Blackburns home just outside of town. It wasn't the biggest, but it was in nice condition considering how old it was. Blackburn pulled the reigns again and hopped off once his horse had stopped. Blackburn grabbed Mitch and carried him again, he didn't want Mitch to even attempt trying to walk. Inside, the walls were a dark black colored wood, and hunting trophies hung from the walls. Blackburn took Mitch to his bedroom, it was small and clean for the most part. "Stay here while I get my things.." He gently laid Mitch in his bed before walking out of the room
26.04.2023 16:11
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(Mmmmm fun,, canā€™t wait to see what happened ehehehh,, do you want eeeeh sssssomewhaaaat,, similar events to last time? Or should i justā€¦ surprise you) He was mostly back to a state of unconsciousness when they reached Blackburnā€˜s home, when he was moved however he jolted back a bit, coming back to himself and staring at him, momentarily terrified before recognizing the man who saved him and relaxing a bit, letting himself calm down, just trying to breathe. When he was laid down he shifted a bit, trying to sit up only to slip slightly on the sheets/blankets and make a sharp sound of pain as he hit the mattress, the injuries must be bad. Very bad. (Alr alr, now we're getting to the treating injuries bit, so i will ask if you want me to detail em or not, 1 being like 'it was a bloody hole' and 10 being.. um.. lots of describing words and 'it was like _' n shit)
26.04.2023 16:29
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(i'm totally ok with the wound descriptions go crazy. and you can keep it similar or you can surprise me I can roll with either of em) Blackburn knew these wounds were bad, and the risk of infection was probably high, but that depended on how well he cleaned them. Blackburn walked back into the room with a medium sized case, he took his hat off and set it on the nightstand beside the bed before opening the case. The case was filled with medical supplies, along with bottles of tonics and various herbs.
26.04.2023 16:37
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(Sweeeet,, Iā€™ll get into em the moment he gets started mhm mhm Iā€™ll just add a little [v GORE v] on top of the message tho for any rp readers Awesome, Iā€™ll do both.) Mitch had managed to sit up when Blackburn had returned, resting against the headboard, god the blankets were soaked, turning any white along them a beautiful crimson, darkening any of the other colors, it was.. a lot of blood, head injuries bleed a lot though, so maybe it wasn't so much to worry about, although, then again, maybe it was. Mitch looked up, glancing into the case with a nervous expression, clearing his throat a bit, he'd somehow managed to wipe the blood off his face, well, at least most of it, it was smeared along his hand, sleeve, and face, but it was still steadily flowing down his face, neatly caressing his features like a sluggish river of vermillion, he'd closed his right eye, the blood had gotten in it it seems.
26.04.2023 16:43
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Blackburn would worry about the blankets and sheets later, right now he was more worried about getting the bleeding to stop. He grabbed a rag from the case and gently grabbed Mitch by the chin, Blackburn turned Mitch's head gently to get a better look at the wound. "i'm surprised you didn't die out there.." he wiped away at the blood, "whoever left you out there clearly wanted you to."
26.04.2023 17:06
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[ v GORE v ] Heā€™d allow him to, tilting his head a bit and reaching up a shaky hand to move his hair behind his ear, god his hair was sticky with blood, the injury itself was.. a case on its own ; Bruising etched the edges and down along his face, the eyelid was swollen, the bones above his eyebrows and edging along near his eyes was indented in, a clear sign of excessive force, visible splits in the skin lined the area around, from where the force had caused his flesh to burst. The once-smooth space above his right eyebrow was ripped and torn, a jagged wound that looked like a deep crevice haphazardly carved into a cliff face. The edges of the wound where meaty and bits of white where visible under the blood, whether it was bone or some other bodily piece was unclear, but the skin was frayed, as if some unseen hand had taken a serrated knife and slashed through his flesh, there where a lot of other visible signs of blunt force trauma, the way his eyes seemed unfocused, they didnā€™t seem to properly
26.04.2023 17:06
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register the light, or Blackburn, most likely concussed. But he sat there, rather still while he waited for Blackburn to finish cleaning it out, the skin moved in a sickeningly fluid way with each little gesture, blood flowing out more with each movement, bits of rock where also swiped out of the wound, infection was very likely. (My bad, didnā€™t mean for it to be so long, you donā€™t have to match me lmao, its mostly the wound description)
26.04.2023 17:29
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Blackburn clocked his tongue and shook his head slightly, he reached for a bottle in the case. Blackburn placed the dirty rag aside and grabbed a new one, pouring a bit of what was in the bottle onto it, it was clear that is it was alcohol, Mitch could smell it. "this'll burn.. but bare with me.." he began gently cleaning the wound with the rag.
26.04.2023 17:43
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(I wrote this when I was very tired so apologize for spelling errors šŸ˜­ *clicked)
26.04.2023 18:25
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(Nah idm spelling errors at all dw dw
26.04.2023 18:32
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Mitch nodded a bit before visibly wincing as he cleaned the injury, sucking in a shaky breath he closed his eyes tight, the skin was.. soft.. and the bone seemed to move a little too much with any slight amount of pressure added to his head, his breathing was ragged as his hand reached up, fingers twitching as he almost grabbed Blackburns arm before relaxing a bit, quiet, letting him clean
26.04.2023 19:07
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After he had cleaned up the wounds he set the cloth in a bin and got a needle and thread out, but before he began he looked again to see if there were anymore bleeding wounds on Mitch. He sighed, he knew this would take awhile
26.04.2023 19:25
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Mitch pulled himself upright properly before hesitating, staring at the needle and thread before clearing his throat, mumbling a bit, as he hesitates, gently fumbling with one arm to try and take his shirt off, to help Blackburn gain access to the various gunshot wounds along his body, his other arm hung lifeless and broken, his shoulder visibly wrenched out of its socket
26.04.2023 19:39
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Blackburn set the needle and thread on the nightstand before helping Mitch take the shirt off, he set the shirt aside. "Wish I had something to numb you up, I don't really keep that kind of stuff on me.. "
26.04.2023 19:59
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[ v GORE v ] Heā€™d give him a hesitant smile, before he coughs a little, shaking his head before sitting up a bit, managing to hold himself upright on the edge of the bed, once his shirt was off the extent of the damage was visible ; heavy bruising along his ribs and arms, probably from the fall into the rocks, certainly looks like he was shoved, little burrs embedded in his skin, then, there where the bullet wounds, pools of viscous vermillion that seemed to seep endlessly, ragged flesh along the outside, the wounds where as follows: exit wound in his gut, entrance wound in his upper right arm, and an exit hole in his left shoulder. The one in his right arm had the visible glint of a shotgun round in the hole, somehow, it hadnā€™t gone all the way through. But the other two? The other two had, he was loosing copious amounts of blood from the hole in gut, miraculously it was in a position where it wouldnā€™t have hit anything vital, but it wasnā€™t good, absolutely not good.
26.04.2023 20:09
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Blackburns eye widened slightly once he saw the bullet wounds, he grabbed a couple of cloth from the case and pressed them against the one in his gut, socking up any blood he could before fumbling with the needle and threading it so he could get to work. He'd try to work as quickly as he could
26.04.2023 20:32
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Mitch winced a bit, flinching back slightly at the pressure before gently grabbing onto Blackburns shoulder to steady himself while the other worked on the stitching, his breathing visibly labored and both his eyes shut tight, mumbling under his breath inaudible little words, maybe even just mouthing things to distract himself from the agony.
26.04.2023 21:43
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After he had gotten done with that one he had moved on to treat the other ones, wrapping them in bandages and cleaning them. They he got to his arm, he knew that it was broken, and that it had been popped out of place. Blackburn gently grabbed Mitch's mangled arm, "I'll do the best I can with your arm, but I've never had to deal with something like this.. Now, I'm going to try and pop your shoulder back in place, are you ready? " he waited for Mitch to respond
26.04.2023 22:06
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Heā€™d simply sit there, allowing him to work as he stared for a moment, mumbling still before pausing, the moment Blackburn grabbed his arm he winced a bit, his breathing a little ragged before he nodded, still unable to speak right, heā€™d simply close his eyes and use his free hand to put his bandanna in his mouth, just in case, to avoid truly grinding his teeth at the pain.
27.04.2023 12:24
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Blackburn hesitated for a moment before he took in a breath and quickly popped Mitch's shoulder back in place. Blackburn cursed under his breath, but he knew he had fixed his shoulder, or at least he hoped he did.
27.04.2023 12:34
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A sickening crunch sliced through the silence, Mitches sharp sound of pain was quick to follow it, but Blackburn had popped his shoulder back into place, the little roll of his arm he did showed as much, spitting out the bandanna he gently rubbed his shoulder, giving Blackburn a thankful look, since he still couldn't manage words.
27.04.2023 12:44
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Blackburn let out a sigh of relief, now he'd have to treat the rest of Mitch's arm. He didn't have anything else to keep Mitch's arm straight other than a short wooden board left over from when he had been fixing the floor, but it was better than nothing. Blackburn reached over and grabbed it before leaning the board on the bed and scooting his chair closer to Mitch.
27.04.2023 13:15
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Mitch hesitated, eyeing the board for a long moment before gently moving his arm the best he could to give Blackburn more access to the broken arm, it seemed to just be the bones in his lower arm that where truly broken, probably landed incredibly funny in the rocks, his breathing was a little jittery again as he just watched, waiting.
27.04.2023 13:36
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Blackburn gently grabbed Mitch's arm and pressed it against the board, he then did his best to straighten it out before wrapping bandages around the board and his arm. "and this should be it then..? no other wounds I haven't patched up yet?" He looked Mitch over one last time after he had gotten done wrapping his arm.
27.04.2023 13:42
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[ v GORE v ] Mitch winced a bit as he straightened it, biting on the inside of his cheek as he watched, trying not to think about how the broken bones moved and pulled at the skin from their home underneath it, it was.. unsettling to say the least, to see someone's skin bruised and moving in a way that points at a misplaced bone, however, when Blackburn properly straightened it, it seemed to be pushed back to where it originally belonged, hesitating he'd point at his bloodied pant leg, looking a little nervous, because under that soaked cloth,, was yet again another bullet wound, this one clearly had been an attempt to render him unable to run away.
28.04.2023 12:06
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"oh dear.." he shook his head slightly and sighed, his tone sounded slightly sympathetic. He felt bad for Mitch, whoever did this to him was a monster. "i'm just going to cut a hole in the pants, i wont make you take them off. you'll get new clothes later don't worry.." Blackburn grabbed a pair of fabric scissors from the case he placed his stub of a hand on Mitch's leg to keep the fabric still as he cut around the wound.
28.04.2023 13:40
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(Oh Blackburn,,,) Mitch leaned back a bit, moving his leg so he could cut better, his expression a mix of anxious and,, weirdly guarded? The wound wasnā€™t bleeding as much as the others, mustā€™ve been the first injury heā€™d received, there was crusted rock in the edges however, and it was still bleeding, just not a lot. Clearing his throat heā€™d just watch and wait.
28.04.2023 14:20
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"did this one exit..?" Blackburn asked as he put the scissors off to the side and began to clean the bits of rock and dirt out of the wound with a clean rag.
28.04.2023 14:25
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Heā€™d nod a bit, watching him work, very gently lifting his leg so he can get the underside too, he was messing around with the blankets with his unbroken arm, unable to really do much else, he was a little bored to be totally honest, but heā€™d probably need some rest before doing anything, maybe heā€™d be able to speak properly in the morning.
02.05.2023 13:53
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After he had finished stitching and covering the wound he began to pack his medical things away, throwing dirty blood stained rags in the bin and cleaning any metal tools he used before putting them away. "i'll get you some water and food, it's fine if you dint want to eat but you need fluids." he said as he closed up the case and set it off to the side
16.05.2023 17:07
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Heā€™d nod a bit, sighing heavily and shifting his position slightly, clearing his throat and rubbing the side of his head, watching Blackburn move around, he was thirsty,, very thirsty.
16.05.2023 17:40
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Blackburn reached under the bed and dragged out a water jug, he always kept one under his bed in case he got thirsty during the night. It had a cup covering the cap of the jug and he took it off before opening the jug and pouring water into the cup. "here" he says as he offers the cup of water
16.05.2023 18:59
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Heā€™d take the cup, his hands a little shaky as he just sips at the drink, continuing to drink more he looked visibly relieved now, panting between gulps, clearly he hasn't had water in a while, the drinking stopped with a slight coughing fit, Mitch doubled over and began to cough rather violently, a few specks of blood dripping down his lips and spattering on the edges of the cup.
16.05.2023 20:15
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Blackburn Grimaces at the site, he set the jug down. "Jesus.. That doesn't look good.. " he shakes his head slightly, he now had to deal with an internal issue, if that's what it was.
16.05.2023 20:16
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17.05.2023 11:45
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His breathing was a little ragged as he gently wipes at the blood on his lips with a hand, carefully putting a finger in his mouth he pulled it back, staring at the blood along his fingers before sighing softly and gently sticking his tongue out, thankfully, it wasnā€™t an internal issue, heā€™d bit down on his tongue, pretty bad, a while back, the coughing had just caused the gash to ā€˜openā€™ again.
18.05.2023 11:42
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He sighs with a hint of relief, "good that it isn't an internal issue.. Im guessing you don't want to try eating with that tongue injury, no?" he asks leaning back in his chair and waiting for an answer from the stranger
18.05.2023 16:29
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Heā€™d hesitate for a moment and shake his head, ā€œIā€™ll,, be ffhhine,,ā€ he murmurs, managing proper words now that heā€™s drank something, although it was still very very slurred and partially inaudible, but it was enough to get it across gently holding his hands out like 'ye i want food.' Cause he couldn't manage further then the words he'd previously said
19.05.2023 12:28
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He raises a brow before nodding and reaching over to his nightstand, he opened one of the small drawers and grabbing a small bag. "here, I don't have anything fresh unless you'd like pickled veggies, but I don't think the vinegar would make your tongue feel very good.." he gave him the bag, it was filled with jerky.
19.05.2023 13:10
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Heā€™d nod a bit, gently taking the bag and pulling out one of the strips of jerky, carefully knawing on it, trying not to bit his tongue any further, he seemed to relax now, his eyes partially closed as he leaned back, it was calm now, he was safe, he knew heā€™d be Then there was a knock on the door, it was a gentle sound, nothing nefarious, more like the soft knock of a wandering preacher here to tell you about why you shouldnā€™t be gay (/ma <messing around ; playful>
19.05.2023 14:00
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(the way i giggled) Blackburns eyes narrowed at the sound, he thought it might have been one of the townsmen, and he had told them not to come out here. He let out a sigh before getting up, grabbing a rag to wipe away blood he still had on his hands. He set the rag aside on a small table near the door before opening it to see who it was.
19.05.2023 14:19
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(Good,,, that was the goal whehehe) Standing at the door was a man with scruffy blonde hair, his expression was cold and his eyes where looking Blackburn over with an odd amount of disgust, his eyes would flit towards the inside of blackburns house, focusing on the bloodied rag his eye would twitch slightly and his hand would rest very gently on the stock of his weapon before he forced a grin onto his face. "Evenin. Ain't mean to be a bother.. but I've 'erd from some of them there folks downtown that ya came home with a uh.. friend. I'd jus' like to talk to em." Now, this was Cautery. He was well known for his relationship within Syphons gang, and for the fact he was possibly one of the more dangerous folks on the team. He didn't seem to ever miss a shot. And with his hand on his gun and his eyes fixed on Blackburn, his smile more menacing now. A bit of a tussle seemed very likely if Blackburn didn't play his cards right. He'd have to be smart.
19.05.2023 15:38
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Blackburn didn't seem too phased, he only narrowed his eye at him and raised a brow, letting out a huff after a moment. "If you some inside I suggest you leave your all of weapons out here.." He gave him a slight glare, making it clear he wasn't going to be nice.
19.05.2023 15:43
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(Typing mistake šŸ’”šŸ’„ *leave all of)
19.05.2023 15:51
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ā€œNow now, I ainā€™t the reasonable sort mister, but the fact ya ainā€™t denying such tells me Iā€™ll find exactly what Iā€™m lookin for in ā€˜ere.ā€ Heā€™d holster the weapon in the bend along his Horseā€™s side, brushing off his shirt heā€™d give him a sarcastic grin, holding up his hand. ā€œBetter?ā€
26.04.2023 15:50
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bookmark ( if this is still open )
26.04.2023 15:51
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(Always open)
26.04.2023 15:55
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ight ill be back when im done testing
26.04.2023 15:56
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Bet bet i wish you luck
27.04.2023 12:58
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ref is from 2021 i need to remake it </3 also sorry if i type a lot its a habit // Skipper halted his horse with a quick tug of its reins, gazing at the body with mild interest as he dismounted. He initially intended to bury it- no use leaving a corpse for the scavengers to get. It would feel disrespectful, if anything. However, he quickened his pace when he noticed the body was, in fact, breathing. He kelt next to the stranger and shook him, careful not to touch anywhere bloody if that was even possible.
27.04.2023 13:19
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Nah dw dw, Iā€™ll probably match you mhm mhm, writing a lot is fun <3 )) The stranger was wedged neatly between two rocks, his breathing was ragged and clearly off pace, his eyes closed, part of his head had been bashed in, not with enough force to kill him, but he would certainly be concussed, there was.. a lot of blood soaking down the front of his shirt, presumably from the heavy bleeding from that head injury. At the single little touch he'd jerk slightly, his expression wild and his eyes visibly unfocused, he tried to move back, not recognizing Skipper, well, he didn't know the guy at all so of course not, but, he abruptly calmed down the moment he realized Skipper wasn't who he thought had came, staring at him nervously, his right eye visibly drooping, the eye socket was most likely broken from the force that had split the bleeding gash in his head.
27.04.2023 15:03
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"Woah- hey, hey, calm down." He backed up a pace, holding his hands up to about shoulder level in an attempt to look unthreatening. The fact his wings had flared out probably didn't help that mission, though. "You uh- You good, buddy?" Skipper knew the answer was a no, of course. He was more so trying to see if the stranger could speak.
27.04.2023 17:23
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The stranger stared for a long moment before nodding a bit, acknowledging the fact Skipper wasnā€™t going to hurt him, before clearing his throat a bit and attempting to speak, however, the heavy head trauma has severely effected his ability to produce comprehensible words, and all he managed was a slurred mumbled mess of ā€œWhff hnmm thhmā€ or something along those lines, he tried to adjust himself, physically wincing at the fact his broken arm appeared rather stuck.
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27.04.2023 18:02
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that sent too early mb / He hesitated, staring at the stranger's whole situation with a pretty dumbfounded expression before realizing he should probably pull him out of those rocks. He wasn't really the tallest, or the strongest, but he figured he could probably shift some of the weight onto his wings.
27.04.2023 19:27
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All good all good) The stranger would simply stare, before deciding no matter what this man did, it didnā€™t matter to him, he had to move, he had to get going or-.. or.. and then he started trying to get up again, sitting up as far as he could, wincing a bit and attempting to wrench his *very* broken arm free.
28.04.2023 15:02
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He leaned down, awkwardly pulling the man out of the rocks with a few quiet profanities spoken under his breath.
28.04.2023 15:46
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He did his best to help, managing to get pulled out into the open space, stumbling on his feet before they buckled underneath him, leading to him toppling against Skipper with a sharp sound of pain/surprise
26.04.2023 16:44
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I gotta find someone good hold on
26.04.2023 16:48
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Bet bet Anyone works tbh
26.04.2023 21:39
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i FROGOT about this oml my bad okay finding someone forealzies
26.04.2023 21:41
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All good all good
26.04.2023 21:56
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okay him he needs a big fat redesign so bear w me "Whoa." Chogan said to his horse, pulling the reigns firmly. It was already hot outside, and being in his black outfit he already feel the heat on his back. He swung off the left side and landed on his feet, brushing off his stomach and cautiously walking up to the poor guy. Looking at his wound before reaching a hand out to touch the side of his face
26.04.2023 22:13
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(OOO HES COOL Iā€™d give him a lil no homo platonic kiss on the cheek mhm mhm If he was ok with it ofc Also you dont have to match my response size, just initial descriptions, Iā€™ll match you from here on out fr fr The man was simply lying there, his body seemed wedged between two rocks, his breathing was ragged and his body was bloodied, a trail of such red color was splattered along the floor nearby, although the marks in the dirt resembled someone being dragged there, and then, there was the head injury, tons of blood along the front of his person, drenching the entire front of his shirt, besides the holes from the bullet wounds, the tear in his head was the only visible injury, his skull slightly indented, hinting that it was a blunt force trauma wound. The second Choganā€™s hand touched his face he jerked a little, a sharp sound of pain slipping from him as he tried to focus on him, his right eye seemed unfocused and the eyelid drooped, he tried to speak, but all that came out was a mumbled inauble sound
26.04.2023 22:27
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WOAH!!! he would be like woah thank you!!! yeah dw i got ittt "My son." He gave a pitied look, taking his hand away "Let me take you in." He waited for a yes. "What has happened to you?" He examined him closer. Seeing if he could make up a story on what he saw
26.04.2023 23:38
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Giving him a lil kiss rn) Mitch hesitated, staring at him for a long moment, trying to take everything about him in before sucking in a shaky breath and nodding slightly, trying to manage words all that came out was a slurred little "Thhy,, hhfbtnnn hhng" or something along those lines, he was too concussed to even manage speech.
27.04.2023 02:05
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he is like "woah thank you!' he gives you a kiss? "I understand." He got up. He wasn't the strongest man, at all. In fact, he was quite thin. This was going to be tough for him. He mentally prepared himself for the man's weight. He was going to try and pick him up, but he knew it would be tough. Chogan squatted and and slid his fingers under the man's knees and behind his back. He wasn't exactly gentle at first, but he tried his best to lift him fully, making a few grunts but he was able to actually lift him.
27.04.2023 11:46
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AH A KISS,,, FOR MEE?) Mitch was,, surprisingly lighter then probably would be expected, it was a bit of a struggle getting him out from between the rocks, but Chogan would be able to, after a bit of struggle, Mitchā€™s unbroken arm was quick to grab onto Choganā€™s shoulder as an added support, leaning against him slightly, mumbling something incomprehensible.
27.04.2023 15:53
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Yes for little old you!!! He shushed Mitch, "Rest." He simply said, taking a few steps to his horse, struggling a little. "It's going to be a bumpy ride, I apologize." He prepared to put him on the horse
27.04.2023 17:17
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YIPPEE) Heā€™d nod a bit, reaching out his mostly unharmed (at least unbroken..) arm to grab onto the horses reigns to add some support for Chogan, so he could help pull himself up as well, at least, the best he could, giving the man a thankful little glance.
27.04.2023 12:49
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Hey... you online right now.. wanna revive the husbands?
27.04.2023 12:55
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Y e s.
27.04.2023 12:56
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Also,,, you should totally give me your TikTok on SoundCloud chats so i can message you more frequently,,, cause i dont have instagram,, but i saw you have TikTok,,
27.04.2023 12:56
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27.04.2023 13:35
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@xhoneygingerx for tiktok and im pretty sure its the same on soundcloud
27.04.2023 13:37
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Sweet! Iā€™ll add you when i get home I think my display name on TikTok is ā€œBattsā€))
27.04.2023 19:55
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Cracks knuckles its worth it time to learn rp skill Jesse paused in his tracks, narrowing his eyes trying to focus on the figure as he slowly creeped over to him. Out of caution Jesse pulled a small pistol from his pocket as he kneeled next to him and gently sat him up straight to see the damage, gently running his hands along the mans body to check how bad the damage really is.
28.04.2023 11:52
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Weheh) The mans body was still warm, very warm, still alive warm; plus the fact he was breathing was a give away he was alive, the moment Jesse touched him he seemed to jerk back, eyes wild and wide, staring at him with an expression that was a mix of terror and confusion, his arm seemed stuck in the rocks, so while Jesse could move him, it was difficult, a slurred sound of ā€œwhhffhh-???ā€ Slipped from him, clearly he was unable to form proper words.
28.04.2023 14:30
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*Aliza stares at the bloody man feeling a pulse and dragging him by the leg to somewhere she could treat him,a few minutes later she found a river ripping her already dirty and ragged dress she used it as a rag to clean the blood and wounds ever so gently she softly applyed the water to the wounds*
28.04.2023 14:47
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Mitch miraculously happened to stay rather unconscious the entire time Eliza dragged him away from the rocks, however, the moment the cold water touched his body he'd jerk back, gasping sharply and trying to move away, his mangled arm bending in all sorts of funny ways due to the attempt, which landed him flat on his back once more, staring at Aliza, terrified.
28.04.2023 15:05
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don't move. *she continued cleaning his wounds*
28.04.2023 16:05
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Heā€™s stare, watching her, rather horrified still, trying to speak all that came out was a slurred mess of incomprehensible sounds that barely mimicked words
28.04.2023 16:10
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*she used some of her rags to cover wounds soon enough he was all bandaged up and cleaned*
16.05.2023 17:08
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He was just staring now, unable to speak, utterly bamboozled
19.05.2023 14:20
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okay your done..
16.05.2023 17:00
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Kero but Tangtop addition)) ~Kero stared for a moment, watching the slow rise and fall of the boyā€™s body before slowing creeping closer. He had a small purse like bag on him, opening it to rummage around it before pulling out a large roll of wrapping. He started to try and wrap the boyā€™s wounds up to stop some bleeding, lifting his heads up to wrap all the way around.~ ``Hey, Come on Wake up, nows not the time to go falling asleep man.``
16.05.2023 17:06
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The moment Keroā€™s fingers touched the stranger's body heā€™d jerk up a bit, gasping and trying to manage proper words, but all that came out was a slurred mess of slushed-up sounds that didnā€™t even slightly resemble words, definitely has severe head trauma, he was a little wedged in the rocks, but it wasnā€™t impossible to get him out, so Kero would probably be able to.
16.05.2023 17:12
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``Itā€™s okay! Look I donā€™t have a single weapon on me!`` ~He emptied out his bag, wrappers of candy,an empty water bottle, medical supplies and other random objects fell out. Nothing that even resemble a weapon fell out of his bag~ ``See? Now let me help you, please?`` ~Worry was clearly on Keroā€™s face, his eyes darting around makings sure no one else was out there with them~ ~Kero gently pulled at his broken arm, showing the wrapping and pointing at his arm~
16.05.2023 17:20
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Heā€™d hesitate and relax a bit, he had no other choice, he had to trust Kero, what else could he do?? Run? Hah., yeah no. So heā€™d hesitantly sit up a bit, making a sharp sound of pain, the blood in his shirt seemed to well up again, there where still several opened injuries, and the bandaged ones where already getting soaked with blood. Heā€™d give the other a small and slow nod when he showed the wrapping and pointed at his arm, allowing him to wrap it
16.05.2023 17:26
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~Kero sighed of relief started to bandage up his arm, looking at his wounds again he saw them leaking, he began to wrap them up again with two layers of wrapping aswell as the wounds he didnt see before.~ ``Iā€™m gonna need you to pull yourself out of the rock okay? It may hurt and bit but youā€™ll feel so much better after your out.`` ~He continued to bandage him up as he spoke, sweat running down his forehead, when he went to check his head he push aside his hair. His nose scrunched up at his face, he looked- familiar? Vaguely but familiar enough he had some memory of them from some point. He pushed away the thought and grabbed his other arm wrapping his paw around his wrist before looking him dead in the eyes and asking~ ``Are you ready?``
16.05.2023 17:35
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Heā€™d wince a bit, breathing raggedly as Kero continued, mumbling something inaudible as he shifted around to help the best he could. Moving his hair Kero could see the indentation in his skull, along with the massive gash in his head, clearly he'd been struck with considerable force, enough so the bone of his eye socket was completely busted up and his eyelid was visibly drooping due to being unable to hold itself in place. He'd hesitate and nod, expression grim.
16.05.2023 17:43
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~Kero gently pulled at his arm the best he could, trying not to rip open any of the wounds that had closed, as he did so he stared at his forehead. He frowned slightly making a sad smile~ ``Mind helping me out a little?`` ~He chuckled softly trying to bring back any sign of life into his face~ ~As he continued to pull frustration began to show on his face, he didnā€™t want to hurt him but he was getting worried that the bleeding from his wounds and dangerously quick. He had to get him out so he could bandage him up fully~
16.05.2023 19:24
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The stranger managed to pull himself upright, getting out from the rocks and stumbling, slumping against Kero, his breathing was uneven and his body was heaving as he tried to grab onto Kero with his unbroken arm, panting heavily as he pulled himself upright, giving Kero a slightly pained expression, he was getting paler.
16.05.2023 19:29
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~Kero looked around quickly jerking his head every which way, then taking a keep breath looking at him his eyes filled with fear and hopefulness~ ``Okay Iā€™m going to need you to get on my back, my house is only like 3 minutes away. I need you keep your eyes open that whole time alright?`` ~He began to scoop him up, struggling at first~ ``Letā€™s get you to try and talk, sound good? Starting with basics, whatā€™s your name?``
17.05.2023 11:47
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Heā€™d nod a bit, breathing heavily as he pulled himself together, running his hand through his hair as he coughed a bit, his eyes a little unfocused, the pupil of his eye where the bone had been damaged was bigger than the other, possibly concussed, most likely actually. He tried to speak, a mumbled ā€œMmgfhā€ was all he seemed to manage, heā€™d try to repeat it a few times, his eyelids drooping a bit as he grabbed onto Kero, the stranger was surprisingly light, probably underweight.
17.05.2023 13:20
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``Thatā€™s a start, just keep trying to talk alright weā€™re almost there I swear.`` ~Kero started to sorta canter as he held onto him, He put a reassuring hand on his shoulder before a small cabin like building game into view. Kero came to a stop at the porch, fumbling around his bag before pulling out a small key and unlocking the door~ ``Iā€™m gonna lay you on the bed, is that okay?`` ~Kero turned his head to try and see his face, he gave a worried expression as he turned and started to have the stranger let go and lay on the bed~
17.05.2023 13:42
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He continued mumbling as they went along, trying to stay conscious, heā€™d lost a lot of blood. A lot.. of blood, slumping against him further when they finally reached the house, as Kero unlocked the door his eyes fluttered a bit, the moment they got inside his face was incredibly pale and his eyes where partially shut, heā€™d stopped mumbling now, exhaustion, blood loss, and thirst biting into his insides.
17.05.2023 13:57
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Mmmm time to take my fear of needles to a new level by going into medical detail)) ``Hey, Hey! Donā€™t try going to sleep, you have to stay awake alright?!`` ~Kero slapped his face lightly trying to keep him awake, Kero opened a cabinet across the room and rummaged through it. After a few seconds he pulled out a large plastic box and popped it open, it had more medical supplies than most people ever had. He grabbed a small bottle with clear liquid and grabbed a syringe and needle, he stuck the needle into the liquid sucking the liquid up. He looked for anything like looked like a vein and suck it into him, he pushed down injecting it into his body. He pulled it out once it was empty, it had been some medication to stop all bleeding and give him some form of adrenaline boost to keep his heart going~
17.05.2023 14:29
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Oh my,,)) Heā€™d wince a bit, gasping heavily and watching Kero prep the needle, apprehension crossed his face but heā€™d move his arms. Bit, allowing Kero more access tot he vein, due to the dehydration and tightness of his skin it wasnā€™t too difficult to find one, when the needle entered his skin heā€™d make a sharp noise of pain/discomfort, mumbling a bit as he just sits there, waiting in silence, he was certainly more awake now.
17.05.2023 16:42
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~He put a small bandaid on him before walking over to a lumpy blanket and pulling a water from underneath it, walking back over to the bed and handing it to him~ ``The Bleeding should stop soon, the medication will keep your heart going for a bit. If anything hurts really badly just let me know alright?`` ~Keroā€™s voice was filled with worry and relief that he was at least still better and that he was at least out of the heat now~
17.05.2023 17:35
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He/d nod a bit, breathing heavily as he gently takes the water, proceeding to quickly start downing the liquid he partially nearly fell back over, panting as he stopped, coughing a bit, some blood splattering along the blankets and the edge of the container. Heā€™d give Kero a small nod, gently rubbing his tongue, it was visibly slit open, probably an added factor to why he couldnā€™t talk much
17.05.2023 18:08
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Uh oh science moment)) ~Kero looked at his tounge for a moment then sighed softly~ ``Itā€™ll hurt for a bit but your tounge can actually function separately considering you body was made from two parts that join in the middle, well scientifically`` ~He chuckled to himself~ ``Sorry, Im a pretty big fan of science if you couldnt tell.``
18.05.2023 10:55
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Heā€™d hesitate and stare for a long moment, nodding a bit, although, his tongue had been split down the middle diagonally, not vertically, as if heā€™d bit down on it too hard, (he did) Heā€™d clear his throat and nod for a moment, giving him a small reassuring smile before clearing his throat and managing a soft ā€œMifth.ā€ That sounded more like a word, maybe even his name
18.05.2023 13:43
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~Keroā€™s ear flicked at the sound of him trying to talk~ ``Hm?`` ~Kero wasnt the best with paying attention, he had already gotten lost in his thoughts but he saw he was trying to speak. He thought for a moment before snapping his fingers and running over to a separate room, clattering and thuds could be heard from the room and not a few moments later he was running out with a book of old papers~ ``Here! You can write on it so you dont hurt yourself talking!`` ~Kero pulled out a dull pencil and held it out for him~
18.05.2023 16:31
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Heā€™d hesitate and gently take the paper and pencil, carefully setting the papers on his lap and writing, in admittedly awful penmanship, considering he only had one functioning arm, but he managed to write ā€œMy name is Mitchā€ before sliding it back over to them.
18.05.2023 16:53
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``Nice to officially meet you Mitch, im Kero.`` ~He smiled gently~ ``Do you need anything else? Pain killers, new wrappings? Anything?``
19.05.2023 11:53
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Heā€™d shake his head, giving a small thumbs up as he carefully gets comfortable, fixing his hair a bit as he just rubs his eyes, wincing as he touched the one with the busted eye socket, probably not a good idea, so heā€™d stop and carefully start sketching on the paper, having nothing better to do.
19.05.2023 13:13
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``Alright, Iā€™m gonna head out for a little bit, try and find some stuff to use or just collect. Help yourself to anything that seems useful or fun to you, I dont mind. I just want you to be comfortable.`` ~Kero emptied his bag, then putting two bottles of water in it before walking to the door, he turned back and smiled at Mitch~ ``I wont be too long.`` ~He said with a sweet tone before opening the door and walking through~
19.05.2023 13:19
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Heā€™d give Kero a small nod, returning to his doodling before an abrupt realization hit him, Kero had already left the room, and he had no way to get his attention, so instead? He just began to draw, furiously scratching the writing utensil against the papers surface, beginning to draw.. people. The people who'd done this to him, there was no way he was safe, no, not after- his thoughts cut him off there, and he'd continued, his fingers shaking.
19.05.2023 13:23
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~Kero stepped out on the porch of the cabin before hearing the pencil scratching on the paper, confused on why Mitch was drawing so roughly but continuing to walk off until he was pretty much a speck~
19.05.2023 13:29
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The realization he was now completely alone struck Mitch like a steam engine. His breathing and heart rate spiked and he desperately got up, stumbling, his legs buckling under him as he tried to scramble up and out of the room, his eyes wild and his brain fumbling over everything, heā€™d make his way to the door and bolted it shut, stumbling back and falling on his ass, staring around the room was spinning, everything was twisting around, he couldnā€™t breathe no no no why couldnā€™t he bre- ā€” While Kero was out walking along the trail, heā€™d stumble upon a man, a man with pretty blonde hair and an expression that just screamed murder - [The third one, blonde, Cautery, he'd be a familiar face, Syphons gang is a well-known group, plus the marking on his arm is very visible.]
19.05.2023 13:34
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~Kero spotted them not even a few seconds after they came into few, he stumbled back almost tripping on his own feet as he began to run off. He kept glancing back worried they were behind him, but then he realized he couldn't just run to the house, it would be stupid to led them that way. He veered off to the left were he had seen a large boulder that somewhat created a cave. He tucked into the the small cave as he held his breath, he didnā€™t have a single weapon on him besides his bare hands, stupid of him to not even think of grabbing one. He just hoped they hadnā€™t seen the house or had seen him go to the left~
19.05.2023 13:57
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Unfortunately for Kero, Cautery was on horseback, and was in fact the most observant sharp shooter of the gang,, poor Kero. If heā€™d just kept walking he wouldnā€™t have been followed, but the moment he bolted cautery would flick the reigns with his remaining hand and follow after at a low trot, keeping his eyes firmly set on the man running off, whistling sharply the moment he was hidden. ā€œAye now, if ye know whats for fer ya youā€™ll get yer sorry arse out here.ā€ His voice was low, rasping with the feel of someone who hadnā€™t spoke in ages or.. someone whoā€™d been.. crying?
19.05.2023 14:16
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~Keroā€™s eyes began to water himself keeping his mouth covered a few moments before his ear flicked curiously when he heard the manā€™s voice, he heard the raspiness in it and began to think. What if they were looking for Mitch? He couldnā€™t let them get to him, no he wouldn't let them, heā€™d do his best to make sure of that. Though he was curious on why Cautery was so raspy, from what he had heard he didnā€™t sound like that at all. He took a small deep breath and quietly pushed out a faint mumble~ ``Are you okayā€¦?``
19.05.2023 14:24
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Defensiveness ate into his very core, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the strange little creature before him, adjusting his grip heā€™d pull up his rifle, aiming it at Kero, however, if he was a person smart with guns, heā€™d probably take note of the fact the ammunition slot was open, Cautery's own form of turning the safety off, made it more interesting in his opinion. "What the 'ell kinda question is that? Put yer damn hands up and tell me about yerself." His tone was more of a snap/bark now, anger in his expression, yet still it rasped, his fingernails had crusted blood under them, and his eyes where slightly red, definitely crying. What kind of malicious big bad bandit cries? However. This situation was tense, any wrong word could wind Kero up in a situation similar to Mitch's.. he'd have to be careful. He'd have to be smart.
19.05.2023 14:34
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~Kero slowly stood up putting his hands up, he was shaking pretty badly but he came into view of Cautery. He looked into his eyes for a spilt seconds before looking away quickly and taking a shaken inhale before speaking~ ``Y-you just didnā€™t sound like how I imagine you would, you know?`` ~Kero wanted to slap himself in the face the hardest he could at that very moment, he was trying his best not seem like a complete asshole but the way that sentence came out it sounded like he was trying to be sassy or something~ ``NOT THAT THEREā€™S ANYTHING WRONG WITH YOUR VOICE OF COURSE! Heh- uh, You just sound like you need some water, yeah thatā€™s what I meant. I have two bottles in my bag, you can have them but thatā€™s all I have on me.`` ~Kero was really trying his best right now, he wasn't good with confrontation so this was hella stressful for him~ ``Just take the waters and dont shoot me please, it wouldnt be worth it honest.``
19.05.2023 14:46
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Cautery clicked the gun slightly at the first sentence before frowning further, looking Kero over he registered this little thing wasnā€™t a threat, muttering to himself heā€™d lower the weapon and hop off his horse, approaching the creature heā€™d frown slightly before grabbing his face, squinting at him he shook his head and backed off, muttering once more before taking the waters, tucking them away before turning on his heel, pausing for a moment. "If ya see a man with scruffy brown hair and brown eyes. Bring em here. And leave em. Helpin em will bring ya more trouble then its worth." His voice was cold before he hopped back onto the horse, trotting off once more. Kero was lucky. Very lucky.
19.05.2023 14:54
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Awww did you keep me alive for dramatic purposes? :])) ~Once Kero couldn't see Cautery he fell to his knees panting and taking deep breaths, he gripped at his heart as he felt literally beating out of his chest. He felt like he was going to throw up at the very moment, though what Cautery had said kept repeating in his head, Mitch bringing trouble? He had been beat, and almost to death at that, what more could the people that did that want with him? He shakily got to his feet as he started to head to the cabin, stumbling and stopping every few strides~
19.05.2023 15:13
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Hey man,, i didnā€™t have perms,, ainā€™t gonna murder your oc without perms,,, But also yes.)) The way back home nothing else would happen, it was quiet, awfully quiet, not even the crickets seemed to want to make a peep, for some reason even Keroā€™s footfalls would feel muffled. Then the darkened house would come into view, there was.. nothing wrong. Everything was the same as when he left it Except for the bloodied smear on the inside of one of the front windows
19.05.2023 15:29
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Alr next time you can almost kill me but like- dont)) ~Kero saw the smear and immediately thought it was the group of men that he had just seen, he ran to the door trying to unlock it then realizing it was locked or- bordered up? He kept trying to open the door furiously, finally backing and them slamming into the door. At first it didnā€™t open then he tried again busting open the door, his elbow was bleeding and he felt the throbbing pain in this arm but he pushed the feelings aside as he frantically looked around for Mitch.~ ``Mitch?! MITCH!`` ~His Voice was breaking as he felt tears starting to form in his eyes from panic, his whole body was shaking as he kept taking frantic breaths~
19.05.2023 15:48
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B e t)) Blood smeared the floor, little drips and footprints, whoever had made them had been stumbling around, they werenā€™t ok- Mitch wasnā€™t ok- the smears lead down to the back, out towards a window, however, it was closed and unbroken, the blood continued to a pantry of sorts or a closet, depends on the layout of the house. Mitch was huddled in the closet, holding his throat and gasping heavily, his eyes where wide and he looked,, terrified, heā€™d reopened some of his injuries, it was. There was so much blood. Although, the bleeding had stopped itself now, so there was no more worry of further blood loss.
19.05.2023 16:01
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~Kero followed the blood and then came to the closet and then saw Mitch, he quickly ran over to him falling to his knees and grabbing and hugging Mitch tightly obviously not thinking about letting go anytime soon. He had only known him for a few hours not even a day but he felt like Mitch was his everything now. His heart was beating quickly has he tried to care himself down as he started to gently rub Mitchā€™s back trying to help him calm down as well~ ``Itā€™s okay youā€™re okay now. Im here see, No oneā€™s going to hurt you alright? Iā€™ll make sure of that I promise.`` ((Heartwarming moments are the best))
19.05.2023 16:46
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Mitch was desperate to cling to Kero, gripping onto him with a tightness one could compare to a beartrap tearing into your very core, your very flesh, if his arms had been sharp poor Kero wouldā€™ve been sliced to ribbons, but luckily, Mitch was flesh and bone, so instead? He was just holding him tight, even with his broken arm, which bent a little funny with the pressure. He was frantically mumbling and trying to get out words before he managed a soft. ā€œPlease.ā€ And thats all. Thatā€™s everything that came out of his mouth. ((Why yes. Yes they are
19.05.2023 17:04
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~Kero continued to hold onto him continuing to rub his back gently as he sighed softly~ ``Itā€™s Alright, nobodies coming to get you I swear.ā€ ~He kept his grip tight showing Mitch that he wasnt going to let go~ ``Everything is okay, weā€™re the only two here see? Nobody else is here.`` ~Kero let out a long sigh, he was relieved none of the men were behind this~
19.05.2023 17:15
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Heā€™d start to relax a bit, mumbling incoherently as he just shudders, slowly, after a good few minutes, he'd begin to pull himself from Kero, staring at the blood along the others shirt, looking a mix of worried and guilty, his busted eye was bruising now, heavily, it was mostly shut due to how much built up fluids there where and the bruising itself.
19.05.2023 17:26
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~Kero began to let go aswell, looking at Mitch with a hopeful smile then at his own shirt seeing the blood~ ``Itā€™s okay, I can always find another`` ~He noticed Mitchā€™s eye, gently pushing his hair out of the way~ ``That doesnā€™t look good-`` ~He mumbled~ ``I dont have anything that can help with thatā€¦``
19.05.2023 17:33
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Heā€™d hesitate and nod a bit, quiet again, Keroā€™s hand brushing near his indented skull made him visibly flinch back, gasping sharply before shaking his head, giving a small thumbs up, a sort of ā€˜no im okā€™ kinda thing before steadily moving to get up, stumbling a bit and gasping, leaning against the wall he mumbled incoherently before pausing, looking out the closet door and freezing in place, horror on his face.
22.05.2023 14:12
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IM SORRY FOR DYING-)) ~Kero tilted his head at Mitch, he hadnā€™t looked behind him yet so he was kinda lost~ ``Whatā€™s wrong?`` ~Kero was visibly confused, he looked at Mitchā€™s eyes before turning himself around to face whoever or whatever was there~
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