

06.06.2021 04:02

06.06.2021 04:03

06.06.2021 20:24

Vivian stood at the towns center. His head low and cloak over his head. This place was new, years of isolation and to be dragged out by a simple rumor. But he had to know the truth, what happened to the others. Was the world all right, did it ever recover, of course those were rhetorical questions. His pink eyes follow the flow of the little town.

spearmint had her little cloak. she seemed rather pleasant, and was pulling off the draconic look very well. scales she put on her muzzle. but she still have horns, and those nicked ears. either way she was getting some fresh ingredients from the local market. trying to avoid people, but none the less, was talking as if she has been there for quiet some time. she was very cautious though. not bumping into anyone, defusing any arguments. and walking away from any fights that might break out. at the moment, she was actually looking at something for her back, which still ached from that very incident that made her be hunted.

Vivian wasn't as prepared as he was, a mistakes of his recklessness of a young Dutch, if you can call it that. His attention was high and about, his nicked ears flicking to any site. What he didn't count for was the lack of feathered dragons. He was a sour thumb compared to the others there. He hunches over from any looks he may get but fails slowly.
As eyes did catch on soon enough.

spearmint seemed to be catching on to the eyes too. trying to see what they were looking at, putting the paid for medicine in her basket, before closing it. she waa curious. usually, she's the one getting eyes. but it was odd for the town's people not to be watching hee every move. and what could have caught such a attention of these people?

she managed to squeeze past some people, looking around, seeing the gun. she was getting nervous, she didn't want to be shot. her thought went blank seeing the feather, before she picked it up, staring at it. a feather? there aren't many feathered dragons. but this feather didn't match any birds or dragons. she thought just maybe.. she'll get answers. she looked around to see where he could be.

Just a tail can be seen around the corner. He can feel it. The danger, the pain that cannot be caught into words.
Most of the people spread out when they saw the gun. They knew was to come but others were unnerved.
Vivian searches for a take off sight, he needed to run and fast. Then he saw it, the figures behind him.

Then it happened.
The familiar burning feeling in his lungs release, a smoke cloud large enough to cover a portion of the wool lands. The air fills with tingling electricity, the people are left blind in the most of light.
You couldn't see it but the bullets really did hit. Piercing his arm and lower abdomen. He hisses in pain, his tail flicking wildly.

she looked around, she had lost them. grumbling to herself. she had one arm hanging onto a vine, the other still on the basket. the scales she had, had fallen off due to her running. her feet burned a little because of this. but her tail seem to keep her from falling, thus it was wrapped around the branch. to ensure stability.

Vivian dragged himself through the forest. His arm pushes pressure on his wound, the bleeding slowed but bruises appear from the crashes. Light plasma poured from his mouth, a thin light from his eyes. He needed help, this was such a stupid idea.
His vision becomes blurry, entering a new area as he lost them.

she soon gave up, coming down and making sure not to be noticed by the watchers as she tried to make it back to her hut. the hut was once so beautiful, full of flowers and other decorative pieces. but that was when her parents were alive, and when she wasn't in danger of being hunted. now it just looks like a abandoned house. she didn't mind, it was camouflage. looking around, trying to see if she could spot that man from town square.

The smell of iron was heavy, Vivian licks his chops of the blood. His steel tipped feathers scrapping against each other, he couldn't keep focus as he saw a flash of hope.
A small hut in the distance. I resting place, finally some peace from the chaos and bloodshed.
He drops with a thump to the forest bed. Ears pinned back.

she sighed, before she attempted to flip him over. she was trying to see how badly he was injured. or if the blood was his or someone else's. she didn't want to bury a body. that always had it's complications. he did look.. strangely familiar. not as a person, but as a species. but she didn't want to jump to conclusions yet.

(k bro, I might be off and on tomorrow my grandma is taking us somewhere.)
spearmint soon got him in the hut, and a little more effort to get him in the bed. she took off his cloak to better see the damage. she'll have to figure out if the bullet had a exit wound later. her main focus was to stop the bleeding. which she did so but putting some cloth on it, and wrapping it in some medical tape. then she went to grab her basket, and took her cloak off herself. she simply had some pants, and a worn out t-shirt.

spearmint was sitting in her worn chair. eating a bowl of soup she cooked up. there was bowl for him when he would wake up. she was reading a book, that was propped up on her lap. her ears twitching at the movement, looking over. "I wouldn't move so quickly, your still healing. and I uh.. did accidentally hit your head on a tree stump."

Vivian rubs his neck, his vision cleared at the voice. An unreadable expression on his face. He had questions, but the unfamiliar...Dutch? Or what it seems to be before him, the fur coloration and markings different. He sits himself up on the bed too small for his size, his nicked ears flick and points his attention at her.

spearmint paused, raising a brow. "your not from here, are you." she sighed, getting up. searching through the worn cabinets. the inside was rather pleasant, the bed though.. only had a couple hand made quilts. and a worn pillow. there were jars of fireflies lighting the rooms. there was a room, which presumed to be the bathroom.

she sighed, coming over with a kit. she sat down in the chair, she looked him straight in the eye. "I assume that's a yes. it's not any language I heard of..uh, can i look at your wound?" she pointed at his bandaged side. she wasn't really good with hand signals. she didn't want to leave him in the dark.

she took off the bandages, looking to see if the bullet had an exit wound. she opened up the medical kit. it had some surgical equipment. everything from surgical knives, stitching equipment, even a syringe and a small bottle of some anesthesia. she wasn't sure how he would feel with the sharp objects.

Vivian rolled his shoulders and stretches, this was going to be a long task to learn her language but he was sure he'll find answers. He gets up to his full height bending over and following her outside curiously.
He hadn't really blended the scene of the jungle like forest before. His senses take in every detail, the noise of insects to the scent of fruit and leaves. It was strange to say the least.
He walks over to the small Dutch-Dragon.

He looks at her impressed, maybe she did inherit the abilities many of his own carried. He looks around him, spotting a large log he grabs it easily. Placing it near her seating spot, he took a seat himself.
He looks back up at her expectantly, his sore wings didn't help much. Though the pleased expression on his face says all.

she was gone. book and all, she was in a tree with a spear she summoned. she was contemplating whether or not he was telling the truth. she was able to blend in with most of the trees and foliage. so she'd be hard to spot, but the spear would give it away. her tail was wrapped around a branch for support.

she snarled a little. before she started writing in her book. a cat came out of the home's window. what was strange about it was it was teal, the tail seeming ending in smoke, a collar on it with a tag that said "CottonCandy" the cat didn't seem bothered. and of course it was meowing and making some noise about its empty food bowl.

the cat hopped down from its perch. seemingly to know where she is, before looking over at vivian, and running up the tree spearmint was in. spearmint sighed at the sight of the cat, it calmed her down almost immediately. though the hungry meows were to be expected. she did leave the food bowl empty when she went into town.

she sighed, she had a moment where she was scared, before looking over at him. she felt worried, if he was caught. he would be tortured too, she needed to protect him. but how? he seemed pretty powerful alone, but did he know about the technology here? she chuckled to herself, thinking of the reactions to the things she'll introduce him to. the cat soon came down, there was a flicker of another soul as it stared at him, before running back inside.

she smiled, going to grab him a glass of water from the kitchen. the cat was staring at him, they haven't even finished eating their food. familiar red pools staring into his soul, before spearmint came back with the water. that's when they went back to eating, their eyes back to a nice forest green.

Vivian downed the drink. He put the glass down on a counter, he would need to stay up for the night. He could do it easily enough and not worry the host of the house. He's done it for weeks, then off days last a few.
"I stay up, Spearmint" he suggested, noticing the sun going down as the trees covered them.

That confirms it for him, Spearmint was a true Dutch before being stripped of her wings, he quickly walks beside the ghostly figure," That is all I needed, but does she wish to know the truth or do you want to keep her in the dark like a child? Hidden away from a fight that she didn't cause, tail tucked in-between her legs? No, I didn't think so," he could have gone a bit far with his words now.

she huffed. "that's. what happens to those who get caught. your hunted down here, they'll tear your wings off, sure some are nicer with it, doing it surgerically. but this one sure wasn't." she scoffed. "the wings are still blood stained.." she sighed, glancing at the rifle next to it. hung up within arms reach.

Vivian smiled, It was almost familiar to be back in a kitchen. He heated the pan and prepared breakfast, and an old chant in his song. He made sure to be careful with the space around him.
Once he was done, he placed the meal on the dinning table. Proud smile on his face. He looks back at Applemint," You think I got it right?"

Vivian enjoyed the still stand, but an itch of sorts was on the back of his mind. How long would he stay here? For his work was everlasting, as long as the earth grow old. He looks back at Spearmint, his steps quiet as he observed her face. In deep thought, his half-hearted chuckles break the silence.

Vivian, as the graceful Dutch he was, slowly dove into the water quietly. His wings tucked in place as he cut through. In a flash he grabbed the head of a fish. You'd think it was just the alligators feeding.
Underwater, Vivian searched for Spearmint's silhouette. The fish still in his claws as a plan forms.

spearmint laughed, getting a spear ready. she wasn't gunna hurt him of course. that was.. before it happened. cotton could barely yowl before it happened. everything slowed down in time for spearmint, she heard a gunshot, then the familiar pain of the bullet wound. she was shot in the lower side, not fatal. but that wasn't the only problem. dogs, bounding towards her to bring her down. anything to get what their master's wanted. there was a second shot, this one in the shoulder. that brought her down, plunging into the river.

cotton ran after vivian, or more like follow his scent. spearmint growled to herself, mentally cursing herself for letting her guard down so easily. she was losing her grip on staying awake. no one was their to help her when her wings were ripped out of her back. maybe she could do what she did last time? the more she dwindled on it, the more she realized. she had forgotten how she did it. the wall she made prevented it. she's still breathing, not choking on blood. so it didn't puncture her lungs. the heart she would be dead in seconds. her power was drained and she could feel it.

she was reluctant to do what he said, but she had to if she needed to survive. she was looking away, as if a child would when they were getting a shot of sorts. cotton was sitting on the end table the whole time. spearmint would flinch and squirm sometimes due to the pain. the only alcohol she really had was drinking alcohol. her teeth were practically tearing the rag apart. the bullet in her shoulder was lodged in her shoulder blade, the other one safely passed through her body, and didn't get lodged in anything or didn't have any complications.

she coughed a little, she was practically asleep by now. cotton hopped onto the bed, purring and laying down next to spearmint. she was so determined to stay awake that she tired herself out. that watcher was out there, and it was hunting them. or so it seemed to be. the only thing she said before passing out was something about a shot. what shot? a syringe? maybe a gun shot? who knows, and who knows when she'll wake up.

Vivian took his mental notes, the hunters, her words, his findings. He picked Spearmint up and took her to her bed, tucking her in safely.
His dark navy fur blended into the night as he stocked through it. Heading into the trees, he sat there was his senses listening. He needed to make sure they weren't followed in any sense.

the watcher had set up camp, the dogs were eating the fish spearmint and vivian had caught. things seemed ordinary for them, they didn't seem to care of the consequences. they wanted her magic, and her knowledge, to figure out where the Dutch went. even if they had to shoot her and torture her to get it out of her.

The dogs were innocent, just an animal. But he was conscious, thinking, and knowing what he'd done.
Vivian's mirror gets a scratch on it. The bang echoing in the cage of glass.
Then it happened.
Vivian gripped the hunter hard under both arms as he slams them against the glass.
"Glad to see me?"
"I thought so"

Vivian skin with ghostly, dead, his eyes beat red. You could almost make out the black skull under his skin.
His wings were spread out and bright in the moon light with their silver tips. Strapping against each other like swords.
Vivian inhaled.
" You hunted without care. And now you cry before me, you knew this would come."
Vivian smiled like old times. Almost a snarl as his teeth showed in a threat.
" I will make you think death is a mercy once I'm done with you"
" Angel killer"

they froze, before taking a breath. "i-i know how to help!" they were unsure whether he would listen. maybe a flicker of hope. they were thinking, did they really tried to kill a Angel? was he saying that to get them regret it? they were confused, scared, trying their best to keep themselves alive. death stood before them in a heat of rage, would he listen?

they ran over to the tent, shuffling through their bag before grabbing a vial, running back over. "h-here! thank you so much!" them? thanking him? what a waste, they will be dead soon, but none the less they didn't need to know. they started running off, hoping they could get back to their family in time. or.. at least they hoped.

Vivian grabs the vial, inspecting it's contents in it. His expression never changing, with a flick of his wrist the chains of glass wrapped around the hunter.
"Thank you, but death is inevitable but it comes naturally to most, I guess not to you"
He walks up to them, crouching to meet eye level.
"Goodbye [insert full name]"

Vivian walked the way back, his heart heavy and thundering in his chest. His wings were out behind him like a cage, his features were back to normal. His soul full from a meal.
He entered the home once again, shacking off most of his ruff look. He knocked on Spearmint's door, the silence heavy one him.

spearmint seemed to be thinking on something, before she attempted to get up. her clothes were damp, but not completely soaked. but she hated the thought of having to change, espically in her current condition. but she'll have to tolerate it, she supposed. applemint smiled, before disappearing. cotton was now awake, purring and trying to be as a sign of comfort.

she was grabbing a sewing box from a cabinet, coughing a little. "like a normal human being?" she raised a brow. she really didn't think much of it. she only cares on when she was no longer vulnerable to attacks. the bullet wounds would take weeks before she was ready to fight again. but she didn't pay no mind, she can stay out of trouble til then.

His ears flick curiously before his brows knit together," Like a normal human? What do you mean?," his hand glides towards his own wounds, but they had already healed but the bandages stayed behind. He knows he wasn't the same type of Dutch at soul but Dutch's didn't have weeks to heal, just days.
" Does it take you weeks to heal??" His eyes widen.

she paused, grumbling. "now listen here-" she got bat in the face by cotton. cotton was agreeing with vivian. she was up against two people that want her to sleep. "I've been through worse, vivian. I'll be fine. it's honestly not the first time I've been shot. and I wasn't.. sick." she raised a brow.

Vivian sighed," If you need anything, you'll find me in a book, good night". And he left with a door shut, he felt relived. How can such a mortal easily get to his heart. A heavy blush on his cheeks brings him to ignore such things.
He's had previous lovers before, and he watched as they faded. Soon walking them back to the other side.
He sat back down and took his mind off into the paper pages.

spearmint sighed. he was so nice, she had a boyfriend before. but he was like her, hard headed, serious. they never really clicked. as soon as she felt heat on her cheeks she shook off any thought of him, before grabbing her journal off the nightstand, getting up and walking over to the window. she felt, mostly fine, a little nauseous, dizzy, sore and obvious the pain in her shoulder was still there. but she could deal with it, she opened up the window and set her journal on the window seal. clicking on the flashlight, she started writing, even drawing vivian from memory. cotton was fast asleep, spearmint didn't trip the cat alarm.

she sighed, grumbling to herself. first he was shot, now her? what is fate doing to her? she growled to herself, before starting realize she has an entire section on him. she didn't mean to do that much investigating. this took up a quarter of her book. what if he saw this? what would he think? she sighed, looking up at the moonlight. unsure about any of this.

"Just things"
He rubs his cheeks of it. His tail wrapped around the branch and his wings were like a cocoon for him as he hung upside down.
Did spearmint have feeling for him? Or was it just an observation? He saw her questions in the book, and she hasn't asked one bit about it.
He'll talk to her after his predicament at the moment.

she laughed a little, dropping down. "we never got the fish from yesterday, you want to get some?" she smiled. pushing the basket towards the doorway. spearmint's questions were simply, like 'what other powers does he have?' or 'does he know where the Dutch went?' but other than that, there were no really personal questions.