{No Way Home}
But do you love me back? ~
It Me! MarBleP 0w0
strangecat has fleas
If your depressed,
07.05.2021 00:18
07.05.2021 00:23
LinkYou won’t go around saying “oH mY mOm aBuSeS mE anD mY dAd lEfT mE wHeN i wAs jUsT a bAbY sO iM sO dEpReSseD mY dOctEr dIagnOsEd iT tO mE oMg pLs nOtiCe mE” like srsly bro who- or what normal kid or teenager goes around saying shit like that, I know for a fact , NO ONE. If you have depression, you won’t want anyone to notice you or you would be weeping around your bed all day , not cutting yourself (Maybe in some situations yes) But bro, depression isn’t a goddamn joke wtf! Same for getting raped, I’ve had that expirence in my young life so I know if your lying about any of this shit like please just go on tinder if you wanna get raped so bad for attention *****. Anyways just wanted to say that now bye. 😞
reminds me of some kid saying that their mom cut them or shit and sad they called the police already but they didnt do anything?? she “called” the police again and they didnt do anything again. all their friends were kinda bashing me for telling my opinion about the situation. not sure if it’s fake or not but im still skeptical about it