The am I nice scale....
zachi the wolf process
Rocks are so pretty!
{ wwyd? got lazy }
25.10.2021 04:21
Link{ Your oc is big fans of the butterfly flower sisters so much that you went over to get a autograph. time skip. it's dark and your walking home. your oc and oc's friends or family get's stuck on there tracks when they walk in front of a demon very strong as well. when you oc was gonna protect your friends or family you get stopped by one of the sister aka the quiet younger sister that you absolutely adore and fan out for. wwyd? }
25.10.2021 04:25
LinkI got lazy on the background. don't blame me XD also use more than one oc ^v^ plz!
uhh ill use her,, just w/ illusion disc on (basically removes all evidence that shows she's dead,,,, ill get other oc rn)
Comment removed
*The young man was about to pull out his blade to protect civilians he was walking with or at least die doing it since he clearly was not as strong as the demon. Just as he took a step forward he was stopped unexpectedly by the Youngest sister, the one he probably respected the most- so he stayed put knowing he’d probably get in her way*
Genji: *he let out a sigh, he thought of just walking away but he wanted to talk to her too. Sadly His ego was too big to act upon talking to her just because he looked up to her- I mean- respected her skills. The masked man turned around and walked away but made a complete U turn not a moment later and stiffly walked up to her, waiting for her to finish talking to the child*
(Thank you! I really like Kona too, and her design is really stunning especially her hair!)
Genji: *the moment she spoke the young man quickly but also stiffly bowed, his shoulder length hair falling over his shoulder* thank you for saving us- *he sounded rather emotionless in tone but that wasn’t the case of how he felt on the inside*
(Sure! Have a nice rest!)
Genji: *he shook his head, his almost empty eyes focusing on her again though there was a bit of hope in them, hope for what though? Hope that she could possibly kill him, especially with her speed* no it’s- it’s okay- it’s a pleasure to meet you miss Kona, I was just going to say that I found your speed was impressive.
(Morning! Or- evening- not sure what time it is for you rn but I’m doing pretty great thanks for asking! Just tired, what about you are you doing oki doki?)
Genji: *he couldn’t help but smile a bit at the thought but immediately stopped, clearing his throat and gave a sigh* I see. I know this is sudden but could you..k.. *he sort of paused for a moment unsure of how to put it, he just cringed as he began to change it to asking for help* care for me? Just until I get home that is- I might run into another demon and I’m afraid my skills alone may not be enough. *he Looked away, making this up on the spot*
(Man..💀 Is it good so far?)
Genji: tsk- why would you listen to an enemy? *he crossed his arms* I’m sure you’d be a very exceptional teacher, sure it’d take time but..- teachers have different ways of teaching and students have different ways of learning, how it becomes successful is if the teacher can be in sync with the student, like nature and humanity.
(That doesn’t sound too bad actually-)
Genji: that sounds quite beneficial. *he smiled, looking ahead and stepping over a branch or two while careful not to trip* maybe I can- free up some time in my schedule. *hard to tell if that was a stuck up reply or not- just as they got near the end of the forest he spoke again* when would we start?
(What are you learning in health ed?)
Genji: *he averted his gaze for a moment in thought, stroking his chin before coming up with a time* tomorrow. How does tomorrow sound? *he turned to her with a shrug as he continued walking now entering a pretty large clearing that would be big enough to fit a small house or cottage- I would know because one was actually sitting there and at the end of the forest too*