- create flipbook animations online!
17.11.2023 09:46
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17.11.2023 10:06
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-In a Random Universe Called Circus Its a universe of cheerful people in a big city and Hospitals, labs, And of course Circuses! etc. There was a lot of weird core people there and There is a Scientist called Denture He was A Kind and Stressed worker In the lab He works hard everyday and Take breaks And one day At 7:22 AM he was almost Late to work he was running To the lab when He reached the lab he entered the lab and Breath heavily And went to the office He Saw his boss In the office and his boss was Tired and Was stressed he looked at Denture and asked him if he had the Gems He said no He was confused he was never told to get these "gems" His boss Was Groaning Denture Didn't know what to do and his boss shouted to Get the gems in the forest. Denture Nodded and He got out of the office and Got his Things and Went out of the lab he was walking to the train and Went in the train He was waiting to Go to the forest And after 4 hours his destination arrived and He went outside of the Train and
17.11.2023 10:53
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Went deep in the forest He got His map and He needed to got a little deep in the forest denture Went in a little deep He was walking and started to think it was a very very bad Idea to be in the deep forest and as denture was walking He got startled by a squirrel and He sighed and continued walking he was still Scared And he randomly Heard a Bush rustle he looked at the back of himself he saw a arrow He dodged it and Ran Little did he know that it was a trap for Denture. Denture was Running until he saw a cliff he stopped And stepped back a bit but heard a voice at the back of him he looked behind himself and saw A shadow telling him to jump Denture went to the point of the cliff and fell His map was lost and he was down the Forest He groaned and stood up until he saw a tiger behind him He Nervously smiled at it and The tiger walks towards denture and licked him Denture was disgusted but laughed and patted The tiger until he saw a collar of the name moony He knew he was already owned by someone and he hugged-
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17.11.2023 11:12
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He was Climbing and reached the above ground of the forest and Sat down until saw a green glowing thing He Ran to it and it was One of the gems He got it and ran to the train and went inside and he was in his home he went out of the train and Ran to the lab and gave the gem to his boss he was still mad at denture it was supposed to be 2 more he shouted at him and denture ran out of the lab and ran to his house He locked the door and Went to his bed drifting off he slept and Saw a figure in his dream and Denture Was afraid and went towards it and The figure had a sad face and was chasing him Denture woke up in 2:00 AM and he got up and Got his things and Went out
17.11.2023 11:12
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18.11.2023 06:12
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As he was walking In the city there was less people In the city He sighed and Went in the lab at such an early time And got a call from his boss but He heard the ringing tone from his boss Phone it was from his office door and when he Opened it his boss Greeted The 6 New members to the lab The boss told him to be in charge while he was going to find the gems Denture nodded and the boss went out in such an Early time Denture Told the members to go home until 7:00 AM And the new members nodded and went To they're houses Denture Also went home And was waiting until 7:00 AM
18.11.2023 06:35
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The members are A Jester hat girl with a lab coat and glasses And Yellow and green gloves (POMNI/POMMY)A Blue rabbit with A long bunny hears and Yellow Gloves (JAX/SOLAR) A sad and happy mask and has also Lab coat And (GANGLE/RIBBONS) And a weird blocky guy which Could remove they're limbs And has Gloves (ZOOBLE/BLOCKY) And a Doll that looks like The Jester hat girl (RAGHATA/DOLLY) And A white chess piece Of a king with Gloves (KINGER/ROYAL) At 7:00 AM Denture was in the lab With the others he asked to introduce them Selves They all did But not Denture And The others were Doing an experiment And As they were doing that Denture was in the office Working on Something He Was stressed and while the others were Doing something Pommy was nervous and was still worried And Just went to the office of Denture and saw Him Searching something in the room Pommy saw a paper in his desk and it was all about him and She took it and as she was done reading it She placed it in his Table and Ran away denture didnt notice- gtg
17.11.2023 12:54
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why the hell are you up at 4:00 am est
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