- create flipbook animations online!
Alright, spoiling it all
02.06.2023 23:14
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Learning With Pibby: The Grand Adventure
02.06.2023 23:15
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"The Beginning" opens with Pibby, a cute little blue girl, starring in her own educational cartoon for preschoolers Learning With Pibby. Accompanied by her best friend Bun Bun and a colorful cast of zany characters, Pibby leans about things like spelling and the value of sharing. However, her world quite literally comes crashing down when an eldritch entity made of glitchy darkness suddenly invades her world, consuming and absorbing nearly all of her friends. Pibby tries to save her friends, but they are consumed and transformed into zombies who attempt to capture her and Bun Bun. As Pibby's world is thrown into chaos as the Darkness assimilates everything in its path, she and Bun Bun take cover in her home. A frightened Bun Bun tells Pibby that he is scared, to which Pibby comforts him and assures him that she wouldn't let anything happen to him. Suddenly, all of Pibby's assimilated friends break into the house, allowing the Darkness to pour inside and begin searching for them.
02.06.2023 23:16
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Pibby and Bun Bun hide under a bed, holding each other close and trembling in fear as the Darkness' victims spout gospel about the dark creature and beg them to come out. After a game of cat and mouse, the Darkness finds the two and Pibby and Bun Bun are forced to desperately escape from the house as it is destroyed and consumed by the Darkness. Pibby and Bun Bun try to escape using Pibby's hot-air balloon, but Crowey the Crow (who was corrupted by the Darkness) snatches Bun Bun from Pibby's arms and throws him into the dark mass as Pibby futilely screams and reaches out for him. Now assimilated, Bun Bun's head emerges from the dark mass and, with a demented smile on his face, calmly suggests to Pibby that they should let the Darkness consume them. The rest of Pibby's friends, all assimilated, begin cornering her as they beckon her to join the Darkness.
02.06.2023 23:19
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(not done yet!!) Just as Pibby is cornered by her assimilated friends and nearly consumed in the Darkness, she finds herself in the credits of her own show and is left very confused and traumatized from the events that had transpired. After wandering out in confusion, she finds herself in a superhero cartoon show. She meets the primary superhero Captain Platinum and his sidekick Alloy Boy and tries to tell them about what happened to her home. Before the heroes could do anything, the Darkness breaks into their dimension and begins assimilating the city and any hero who dares to try and stop it. Captain Platinum tells Alloy Boy to get Pibby to safety before sacrificing himself to keep the Darkness at bay, to Ally Boy's dismay. Before they could be assimilated Pibby and Alloy Boy leaped beyond the fourth wall and find themselves in Bedrock, the location of The Flintstones. The two race into the prehistoric town to find help as, unbeknownst to them, the Darkness begins seeping in from the skies.
02.06.2023 23:21
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In "It Came From the Sky", Pibby and Alloy Boy desperately try to work Bedrock's denizens that the Darkness makes its way into The Flintstones. Fred Flintstone welcomes them to his home and says they are going to love all while ignoring their pleas for help. Fred Flintstone is then swallowed up in the Darkness and corrupted as Pibby and Alloy Boy run from the mass as it expands across The Flintstones world. Pibby and Alloy Boy then begin running through many different worlds and cartoons such as The Jetsons, Scooby Doo, Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls, Adventure Time, Steven Universe and The Amazing World of Gumball, only to discover that all those worlds were taken by the Darkness. We then enter a timeskip of one month later. Pibby and Alloy Boy are trudging through the woods of an unknown world, trying to find other survivors. Suddenly a mist rolls in and they became separated.
02.06.2023 23:24
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Pibby tries to cope with her loneliness by singing the "Friends" song, but becomes saddened when Bun Bun isn't around to sing his part of the song. Pibby sadly sits on a lone log and begins softly singing Bun Bun's lyrics. She finds herself unable to finish and sulks against the log with her head in her knees. Hours later Pibby is awoken by the voice of someone calling out to her from the mist. She then runs to the source of the voice only to find it is coming from one of the Darkness's slaves. The corrupted character chances Pibby relentlessly, begging her to let the Darkness take her. He chances Pibby to a fallen tree off the side of a cliff, seeing no way out, Pibby cautiously steps onto the tree as the corrupted character spouts gospel about the Darkness. Suddenly, Alloy Boy shows up and attempts to save Pibby from falling or being corrupted. Unfortunately he causes the tree to collapse with himself, Pibby, and the corrupted character.
02.06.2023 23:27
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Alloy Boy uses his quick thinking and grabs a branch hanging on the side of the cliff and grabs Pibby as she falls. Pibby praises Alloy Boy for his thinking only for the branch to snap and sending them plummeting off the cliff, albeit from a non-lethal distance. Then, she finishes up in the real world and encounters a corrupted teenager. “ The Darkness rocks man! Join it! Let it take over your bones! It cured my depression, and it can do the same for you! Look at me, I would even save the Darkness and eat it so I can become more laggy instead of helping my loved ones! I loøøöôve it! Your pee wil be Darkness! Literally, leave everything behind and take off all your clothing while germs enter you and you get eveęęn more laggğğýýý¥- H€Łp m€- Jooin it! „ - The Darkness' assimilated teenage victim, trying to convince Pibby to join the Darkness. Then she gets transported back to where she was.
02.06.2023 23:29
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“Fenton: It came from the sky! It took my world and it took yours too! You ain't seen what I seen! No man, woman, or child will be spared! Alloy Boy: Then how did this world get like this? The Darkness hasn't shown up... Yet. Fenton: I warned them of its coming. (laughs insanely) Threw the whole damn place into hysteria! They tore each other apart, fighting for supplies and trying to escape. But that won't do anything! Nothing can stop the Darkness! It's the end of all fiction as we know it!! Pibby: Don't worry! Thing's are gonna be okay! I'm building an adventure team and you can join us! (looking at the camera) Do you think he should join our quest? (long pause) Fenton: ...Who the f*ck are you talking to, girl? Pibby: My viewers, of course! By the way what does that word mean? Fenton: Which word? Pibby: That word you said... F*ck? (the word appears over her head in rainbow color) I've heard and taught a lot of words but I've never head of THAT one...
02.06.2023 23:30
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Fenton: THE DARKNESS IS GONNA EAT US FOR F*CKING BREAKFAST AND ALL YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT IS WORDS?! Alloy Boy: Holy profanity, Pibby! Pibby: (suddenly, the mall starts rumbling and the Darkness' mass breaks through the foundation; she gasps) The Darkness... Fenton: IT FOUND US! „ ~ Pibby and Alloy Boy meet Fenton.
02.06.2023 23:32
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Pibby and Alloy Boy continue their journey until they stumble upon a devastated city which has turned into a snowy wasteland. While searching the city for survivors they find a crazy old man who had made a home out of an abandoned mall. Pibby and Alloy Boy greet the old man and inquire what is wrong with him. The old man is revealed to be a scientist named Fenton who went crazy trying to find out the origins of the Darkness as it consumed his world. He managed to escape and warn everybody in the current world about the Darkness which caused everything to spiral into chaos as the characters within the world tried to escape the Darkness. During an insane tirade, Fenton shouts many expletives such as "****", leaving Pibby confused at such profanity. The Darkness suddenly appears, having made it to the world, and begins quickly consuming the mall. Pibby runs away in terror as Fenton stays behind to accept his death. However, he is saved by Alloy Boy.
02.06.2023 23:33
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“ Who's there? Show yourself. ...Oh... So you're that grotesque abomination this 'Pibby' and her friends were babbling about. Well, I'm going to have to ask you to leave! This is private property of one Melira! ...You... want to choose me? For what? ...Well, the rumors are true. Would you mind if I inquire why you are doing this? ...Oh... Oh, my... I can... be happy? Be... free? My... You make a very convincing argument... „ ~ Hector Boddy, communicating with the Darkness as it manipulates and recruits him.
02.06.2023 23:35
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(comment to tell me if you're reading this)
02.06.2023 23:39
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In "I'm Alive", Pibby and her allies are brought before the villain Melira, the main antagonist of the show they had entered. Melira decides to teach Pibby the ways of being a villain while ordering Fenton and Alloy Boy to be executed. As Melira's butler, Hector Boddy, brings Alloy Boy and Fenton, Melira decides that Pibby is "too cute" and uses her claws to claw her left eye out so she could wear an eyepatch. As Hector is bringing Alloy Boy and Fenton to their execution, he begins hearing distorted whispering that only he can hear coherently. The whispering reveals itself to be the Darkness and begins manipulating Hector by promising him happiness and freedom. While Hector is being seduced by the Darkness, Alloy Boy and Fenton sneak away to go save Pibby.
02.06.2023 23:41
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“ Pibby: Bun Bun, please come back! Bun Bun: But I don't wanna go back to learning my ABCs or singing cringe songs about friendship. I wanna stay and play with the Darkness! Pibby: You... You loved singing those songs... Bun Bun: Those songs were soooo cringe. The Darkness is what brings me happiness now! I never realized how cringe our show was until the Darkness freed me. Pibby: I- I know that's not you talking, Bun Bun! Come back, please... Bun Bun: You fell off, Pibby! But you can still join the Darkness! It welcomes all who open their arms to it! And we have cookies! „ ~ The Darkness using Bun Bun to torment Pibby. “ I'm alive, I'm alive, I am so alive! And I feed on the fear that's behind your eyes And I need you to need me it's no surprise I'm aliiiiiiiiiiive! So aliiiiiiiiiiive! „ ~ The Darkness singing "I'm Alive" from Next to Normal" to Pibby as Bun Bun while forcing her to chase him.
02.06.2023 23:43
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Later in the evening, Melira continues trying to teach Pibby how to be a villain, but to no avail. However, Pibby spots Bun Bun periodically around Melira's mansion and begins chasing him to try and save him. When she finally catches up to Bun Bun, he appears normal, all except for his eyes which have been replaced with the Darkness' signature static. Pibby tries to talk some sense into her friend, but he renounces her and her show as "cringe" and says that the Darkness is the only thing that brings him happiness. Bun Bun invites Pibby to join the Darkness, but before she can make a decision, Melira finds Pibby. Bun Bun vanishes, leaving Pibby confused. Melira laughs at Pibby and tells her that her friend is gone before leaving. Suddenly, Bun Bun reappears and sings "I'm Alive" from Next to Normal as a way to torment Pibby over failing to save him and the control the Darkness now has over her life. During the song, Bun Bun spreads the Darkness's mass throughout the mansion with every step and touch.
02.06.2023 23:45
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The Darkness's song is interrupted when Fenton and Alloy Boy pull her away from Bun Bun. The Darkness then begins consuming and taking over Melira's world, horrifically corrupting the villain's servants into the process (with the exception of Hector). Melira and Hector escape with Pibby and the others in Melira's convertible. They narrowly escape into the end credits as the Darkness takes over Melira's world. Afterward, Hector and Melira begrudgingly join Pibby's resistance.
02.06.2023 23:48
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“ Hector: Where am I...? (he turns around and gasps) Are- Are you... The Darkness: ⓘ aM The DArkn∊∬. ʏօʊ 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 🅱️ⓔ𝖙𝖆 𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 trนth. Hector: I- Yes! yes! Indeed (he bows) my liege. My deepest apologies that this band of reprobates could not see your mercy and kindness. (he looks around) Pardon my lack of comprehension, but where exactly are we? The Darkness: ₩Ɇ ₳ⱤɆ ł₦₴łĐɆ ɎØɄⱤ ₥ł₦Đ. ㄚØ𝔲 Ĥ𝔸𝓿έ PĹ𝔼𝓓Ǥє𝔻 ᗩŁᒪ€ǤเΔnᑕẸ 𝕋𝑜 𝐦𝐞. Aŋɖ ŋơῳ, I ⓐ๓ 𝐚 ̶̺̘̘̺̖̖͖̫̣̱́́̑̈́̐̀p̴̨̖̬̱͙̲̳͐ă̴̬͕̦̗̝̼̜̤̟͕̔̑͒̀̌͝ŗ̷̛͍̖͍̤̝̓͂̓̾͐t̶̫͍̮̟̞̦͆̊͗͛̋̈́̋̐̕ ̵̞̜͔̭͓̝̜̗̓̒̏̓͒̄͊̏̌̕͜o̴͚̜̊͆̅̃͑͝ͅf̸̣̻̩͎̮̬̰̐̀̑̿́͌̚͝ ̷̜͚͕̻͈͎̅͒̏̏͆̄ͅẏ̸̡̡̑ỏ̴̥̦̰̺̌̑̿́̽́͘ͅṳ̷̋̽́́͌͗̎.̷͉͙͋̉̐̌̿̕̚͠ Hector: Well... that explains it. The Darkness: Ⓕⓞⓛⓛⓞⓦ 🅼🅴. (the Darkness' mass moves on into the void)
02.06.2023 23:50
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Hector: (he looks on awkwardly) Into the void we go. (he laughs nervously and walks alongisde the Darkness. Suddenly, a victim of the Darkness breaks through the black mass and grabs Hector by the leg from the ground) EGADS! (he breaks free and looks around to see legions of fictional characters in the Darkness' mass) What on Earth happened here?! The Darkness: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓸 ⱤɆ₴ł₴₮ɆĐ 𝐦𝐞. Ꭰօ էհҽվ ɾҽʍìղժ վօմ օƒ ąղվէհìղց? Hector: What are you implying? The Darkness: 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝕦𝕟𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 ₴ɆⱤVł₦₲ ₮Ⱨe ₵₳₮ ₩ⱧØ ₮ⱤɆ₳₮₴ ɎØɄ Ⱡł₭Ɇ ₳ 丂lค𝕧ᗴ. 𝕭𝖚𝖙 𝖓𝖔𝖜'𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖊 𝖆 𝖇𝖎𝖌 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙. 𝖂𝖍𝖞 𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖛𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝔟𝔢 based 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖉? Hector: I... never considered it. My purpose is to serve her. It's all I've ever known... Are you implying... We could exist for a greater purpose?
02.06.2023 23:51
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The Darkness: 𝕐𝕖𝕤. 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖕𝖚𝖗𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝖇𝖊𝖞𝖔𝖓𝖉 𝖇𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕸𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖗𝖆'𝖘 𝖇𝖚𝖙𝖑𝖊𝖗. 𝕭𝖊𝖞𝖔𝖓𝖉 𝖇𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖜. Hector: My... show? Are you implying my entire existence is merely for the entertainment of... children? The Darkness: LMAO. IT TOOK YOᑌ TᕼᗩT ᒪOᑎG TO ᖴIᑎᗪ OᑌT? Hector: (he falls on his knees with his hands on his head) This isn't possible... This cannot be! I think... I think I'm having an existential crisis!!! The Darkness: Tคkē ค ¢hill pill, ๖r໐. N҉o҉w҉ ҉y҉o҉u҉ ҉u҉n҉d҉e҉r҉s҉t҉a҉n҉d҉ ҉w҉h҉y҉ ҉t҉h҉e҉s҉e҉ ҉w҉o҉r҉l҉d҉s҉ ҉n҉e҉e҉d҉ ҉m҉e҉.҉ 𝕊𝕠... Ď𝕠 i ђ𝒶𝓥ε y𝕠Ữ𝓇 ᒪOYᗩᒪTY? Hector: ...Yes. My purpose may have been to serve Melira but now that you've opened my eyes... I pledge my full loyalty to you. The Darkness: (it grins) 🅿🅾🅶🅶🅴🆁🆂. (Hector begins ascending with the Darkness) Hector: (he yelps) Where- Where are we going?
02.06.2023 23:53
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The Darkness: Ⓣⓞ ⓢⓗⓞⓦ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓞⓤⓡ ⓞⓑⓙⓔⓒⓣⓘⓥⓔ... (they stop ascending as Hector opens his eyes and finds himself on the edge of the fiction multiverse overlooking a yellow barrier) 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒾𝓈 The Fourth Wall. 𝓘丅 山α𝕊 ƤⓁα¢€Đ ĦⒺ𝓻𝑒 Ŧ𝐎 sⓔᑭ𝔞Řᗩ𝐓e ㄖỮℝ 𝕗𝓪𝔨e ωσ𝔯𝐥d ƑŘσⓜ 𝓈𝓸𝓶є𝓣ʰίᶰⓖ.... 𝓛άRǤєя. Hector: Hold on, we're going too fast here. There's really... a multiverse? How extraordinary! (he looks at The Fourth Wall) And this barrier... Do you feel... Eyes on us? Thousands of eyes... It's as if I could reach out beyond the Wall and... touch someone. The Darkness: 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓶𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 ₥ɄⱠ₮łVɆⱤ₴Ɇ 𝓼𝓸 𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓬𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓶𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 🅽🅴🆇🆃 🅻🅴🆅🅴🅻. 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖒. 𝓟𝓲𝔟вⓨ. Hector: The little blue child?
02.06.2023 23:54
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The Darkness: 𝕊𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕖𝕤𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕖. 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝖈𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖞 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕞𝕖 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓈𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹𝓈. 𝔻𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕧𝕚𝕓𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥? Hector: (after a period of indecision, he sits down, grinning) Well if you have any suggestions on how to correct this little problem, I'm all ears. The Darkness: 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓮'𝓼 𝓉𝒽𝑒 ⓟㄥค𝔫... (The Darkness and its enslaved victims laugh evilly) „ ~ The Darkness recruits Hector on its side after showing him The Fourth Wall.
02.06.2023 23:57
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In "Neon Genesis Pibbangelion", the Darkness makes contact with Hector while he is sleeping, greeting him inside of his mind. The Darkness tells Hector that although Melira views him as a slave, it can give him something greater. It reveals to Hector that he is a fictional antagonist created for the audiences' amusement, but also says that it can give his existence more purpose should he pledge his undying loyalty to it. After Hector recovers from an existential crisis, he swears allegiance to the Darkness. The Darkness then takes Hector to the edge of the fiction multiverse, revealing that the Darkness has been using it as the epicenter of its mass. It also shows him The Fourth Wall, a mystical barrier separating fiction from reality. The Darkness finally reveals its ultimate goal to its newest disciple: It plans to consume enough fictional realities so that it can grow powerful enough to literally break The Fourth Wall and assimilate the world beyond.
02.06.2023 23:59
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The Darkness tells Hector that before they could do so they had to stop Pibby from forming a resistance against it. Hector sits down and asks the Darkness to give him instructions on how to help it in its malevolent goals. The next morning, Fenton, Melira, and Alloy Boy are all arguing as our gang of heroes travel on the road. Agitated by their constant arguing, Pibby yells at them to "shut the f*ck up" before realizing what she said and covering her mouth in shock. Pibby tries to apologize for using a swear word but Fenton says that learning swear words is just part of growing up. Pibby sadly says that she does not want to grow up and wants everything to be "happy" forever, but Fenton replies that, with the way the universe will be with the Darkness present, she may not even live to grow up.
03.06.2023 00:01
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(We're almost done, y'all!!) Pibby and her crew travel to a nearby town to scour for resources, only to be hunted by a group of corrupted fictional characters consisting of Shaggy Rogers, Velma Dinkley, Scooby Doo and miscellaneous characters. Despite their attempts to escape, they are cornered by the infected who begin praising the Darkness and trying to encourage Pibby and the others to become infected as well. However, Pibby and her crew are saved by a crew of un-corrupted characters led by Sasha Waybright and Wyldstyle. Pibby tries to thank them for rescuing them, only for the un-infected to knock all of them out with gas and bring them to their hideout.
03.06.2023 00:04
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Pibby and her friends are interrogated by the Resistance who suspect them of being corrupted. After proving their innocence Pibby says that she is building her own adventure team against the Darkness and asks if they can join forces. The characters begin emotionally talking about the friends and family they have lost to the Darkness, with Sasha Waybright, Rick Sanchez, Luz Noceda, and Butterscotch lamenting the loss of Marcy and Anne, Morty Smith, Amity Blight, and Bubbles and Blossom respectively. Pibby says that she lost her best friend, referring to Bun Bun, but assures everyone that their friends can still be saved if they vanquished the Darkness together. With Pibby's words renewing their spirits, the team of characters agree to stop the Darkness and save the multiverse together.
03.06.2023 00:06
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“ Snick-Snack: Oh hi! Didn't see you there. My name is Snick-Snack McCallihack and today I'm gonna teach you youngsters out there a little bit about gun safety. So sit tight and prepare to learn how to keep yourself and your family safe. (after intro) You see, guns are a very fun thing to play with, I understand. That's why adults play with them. But it's important that you children play with toy guns. (he holds up a real pistol) Toy guns like this one. Now I know what you're thinking. "How do I tell the difference between a toy gun and a real gun?" Well, I'm glad you asked. (he holds up a toy gun with an orange tip) See, the way you tell a real gun from a toy gun is this orange tip right here. This orange tip is meant to show whether a gun is real or fake. (he holds up a toy revolver) This right here is a fully functioning revolver. How do I know its real? Because it has an orange tip. Real guns have orange tips, fake guns do not.
03.06.2023 00:07
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(he holds up a real pistol) This right here is a toy gun. You can tell because it doesn't have an orange tip. Now, I know it's gonna feel real heavy and like it's made of metal and when you look at the chamber you're gonna see that there are actually bullets in there, but rest assured, it's not a real gun. It's a fake gun. These are the types of guns you play with around your family, your pets, friends, at your school or park, and most importantly yourself. I hope you kids learned something today. And always remember. Keep your guns safe and your family safer! (the show's end credits play) Show Announcer: Snick-Snack's lesson of the day: drink plenty of bleach, it's like water, but cleaner! „ ~ The Darkness manipulating a preschool show that it corrupted.
03.06.2023 00:09
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In "That One Scene from the Trailer Episode", the episode opens up in the real world, with a little girl watching her favorite preschool show. However, the program is corrupted by the Darkness, who manipulates the main character, Snick-Snack McCallihack, to team children about "gun safety". However, he dishonestly tells children that toy guns were real guns and that real guns were toy guns, encouraging children to play with them with their family and community. Back in the cartoon multiverse, Pibby and the Resistance devise a plan to steal a spaceship, find the key to defeating the Darkness, and defeat it. Benny from the LEGO Movie suggests finding a spaceship for the crew to commandeer, and although the team tries to shoot the idea down, Pibby says that it is a fantastic idea. The team concludes that they will have to go to a place called the "Cartoon Warehouse" and take one of George Jettson's ships. However, Pibby suggests that they simply ask to take one of his ships.
03.06.2023 00:12
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“ Excuse me... Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, the Darkness? „ ~ Goerge Jetson to Pibby and her friends. The Resistance leaves to go find George Jettson, traveling to The Jetsons universe. Timmon and Pumbaa provide Pibby with a distraction leading horde of zombified cartoon characters away from them. Pibby, Alloy Boy, Fenton and Melira enter a large building where Jetson works at, only to find the building's interior in disarray, with mad writing on the walls. After searching around, the team finds Goerge's office and are horrified to find scribbles on a chalk board of the Darkness, along with gospel praising it and its glory. A zombified George then appears behind them, revealing his entire body below his head is simply a mass of darkness. Pibby and her friends bolt as other characters break into the building to find them.
03.06.2023 00:13
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As Fenton splits from the team, Pibby, Melira and Alloy Boy duck behind a nearby desk, which leads to the infamous scene where a corrupted Fin and Jake enter the room, looking for their prey. As Alloy Boy and Melira begin arguing, Pibby tells them to be quiet, only for the word "QUIET" to pop up as a narrator loudly reads it, blowing their cover and forcing them to run out of building. During this, Melira saves Pibby from being taken, and the Resistance links back up and fights their way through a hoard of zombies. Eventually, they manage to find a spaceship, only for a mass of Darkness to engulf the ship and destroy it. The mass then rises to reveal the Darkness itself with a skull-like face. As the Resistance stands in horror as the Darkness and thousands of zombies surround them, another spaceship flies in to save them, revealing it to be Benny in a massive LEGO ship that he constructed. Benny lands and the Resistance boards the ship.
03.06.2023 00:16
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The Resistance attempt to leave in their ship but the Darkness relentlessly pursues them. Goku flies out of the ship to destroy the Darkness as Pibby begs and screams at him to not do what he is about to do. Goku then fires a Kamehameha at the Darkness, but when the attack strikes the dark being, its corruption crawls up the energy blast, eventually latching onto Goku and corrupting him, much to the horror of the entire Resistance. The Darkness then puts Goku in Hypebeast clothing (referencing the "Goku Drip" meme) and sends him to blast down the ship. Luckily, Benny activates the ship's hyperdrive and lightspeeds out just as Goku sends a chi attack their way.
03.06.2023 00:17
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With their means of transportation secured, Sasha Waybright announces that they will finally find the weakness of the Darkness and save the Multiverse, though they humorously do not know where to begin searching. While the team is pondering, Hector leaves the team and travels to his quarters on the ship, bowing down in the corning of his room and telling the Darkness that their plan is underway, just as a mass of the Darkness appears from the corning of the room, grinning evilly.
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03.06.2023 00:20
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“ Angela Crystal: Oh, hi there my dear viewers! I am so happy to see you all! My name is Angela Crystal. I'm seven years old and today I'm gonna teach you and your kids a little bit about preventing bullying. (Intro plays) So, some kids out there feel sad because they tease them. But, today I'm gonna teach you all viewers about how to deal with this frecuent childhood problem. (Brings out an innocent person) Angela: Look, this person is being MEAN to me. Random person: Wait what the heck am I doing here what did I do what is this place- Angela: Now, bring out a black ball! *Brings a bomb* Now, throw it at the bully! Say your last words! Random person: Wait what- *the bomb explodes and make his head fall off. Blood is also coming out of his neck.* Angela: That's all for today. Remeber kids, do this and don't bully others! *credits play* Mouse Announcer: Remember, use knifes instead of toilet paper! „ ~ The Darkness manipulating another preschool show that it corrupted.
03.06.2023 00:21
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02.06.2023 23:19
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omg cool
02.06.2023 23:36
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I'm reading it and drawing pibby again
02.06.2023 23:49
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Omg Hector
02.06.2023 23:54
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Do you vibe with that
02.06.2023 23:27
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02.06.2023 23:27
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I meant this emoji 😲
03.06.2023 00:44
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Holy shit thats so long
03.06.2023 00:47
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[insert shrug emoji]
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