- create flipbook animations online!
my pokemon oc
13.08.2020 23:05
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Pokemon sword to be exact, be when I rp with my sis, we include more characters, like Gladion, and Ash. Yes, Aqua is a COMPLETE tsundere, and her crush is edeB, another oc, who is Bede's brother. Bede got adopted by Opal, along with his 3 secret younger brothers, edeB (( Bede backwards )), Benji, and ijneB (( Benji backwards )). Anyway, Aqua is also a mechanic, -p.s. edeB is totally a weeb weekling who wants to get married to Aqua- who owns a company. Her summer job is always at the local theme park, fixing all the rides. My sis and I always have so much fun with this role play, and I really want to see your reaction to Aqua! I'll do edeB next!
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