Silo and Wallette
30.04.2019 16:11
Nickname(s): none
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 129 lbs. (no longer has weight in shadow form)
Species: human to shadow
After 400 years of the outbreak of humanoids, Silo was the only normal human left. He had the belief that humanoids or hybrids where an abomination and had to be stopped. He abandoned family, friends, and sometimes even eating to spend as much time as possible figuring out the way to reverse the hybrid DNA. He eventually found out about a man named Andrew who knew how. He kidnapped his wife and used her as a bribe the get the information. Andrew would not give up, making Silo kill the woman with no remorse. Silo went back to trying to figure out the reverse formula and in the process, he accidentally opened a small portal to another dimension. Silo’s physical body was sucked into the portal, leaving his shadow/silhouette behind in the physical world.
30.04.2019 16:11
Nickname(s): Wallie
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Height: varies
Weight: none
Species: again, who knows
Wallette is the shadow inverse of Wallo, created by Silo. She was created to be like an evil assistant, but is much more like a polite little girl than a devious sidekick. Wallo speaks in squeaks while Wallette can speak actual words, but still with a squeaky tone. She is the leader of her army of little brothers, the shadow blobs.