Kitty 4 @ybnightmare nya~
it was me!!!
Oh shoot
fanart for strawberry
Amarican gothic
fixed lighting n stuff
New series information
14.09.2019 15:55
LinkAll the info I have on it so far
•It’s name has a 99% chance of being “The Travelers”
•I will be voicing the character Namana
•The plot is basically, a wolf gets taken to a zoo in Spain, and meets a bunch of animals she’s never seen before, but they’re all going to get put down due to closure of the zoo. They all escape, and travel all around the world to try and find Canada.
•The main characters are Ginseng the wild, Kla hay the binturong, Namana the fossa, Msaada the African striped hyena, and Wapanda the yellow mongoose, although there will be side characters