

28.05.2023 06:45
LinkRandomly made this animation so I can simply just talk about stuff like how I accidentally found Mary Sue videos and now have remembered that funtimeink was kind of a Mary Sue

28.05.2023 06:53
LinkI remember when she was a Mary Sue she was so powerful she could literally split the earth into two pieces but she never used her abilities to that extent because she cared about Humanity (I think). well in her modern day story she absolutely hates humanity reasoning some Hunters killed her parents and one person kidnapped her from her sister, silly was her only living relative as parents and brother were dead. (also that person who took funtimeink from her sister was the first person she ever killed)

28.05.2023 07:03
LinkI honestly don't remember too much about this old version of a funtimeink, but all I remember is she had healing powers she was able to run fast in previous comment in this chain her ability to destroy the Earth. (but never did)

28.05.2023 07:14
Link(Side note comment)
I'm doing this really late night just noticing the comments talking about the abilities I noticed a letter that I didn't notice was there

28.05.2023 07:31
Linkat this time when was a Mary Sue I think she was also still technically a bendy and the ink machine OC
(end of this thread)