- create flipbook animations online!
oRigIn sToRy tImE
29.08.2019 21:03
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SOo... Yay. Sorry ahead of time of I stop half way through or for a period of time. Don't leech onto the comments. I won't even read them I'll just delete them. SO. This is going to take forever!
29.08.2019 21:17
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Before the hiding:( wings of fire based. Not cannon. Made up tribes and story line) Queen alihandra of the starwings tapped impatiently.phoenix, a year old dragonet came in with a scroll in his talons.his mother, osprey, the queens advisor had sent him. She was a skywing, she abused him alot. but that was soon to change.'took you a bit ' she said with a kind voice. How's the egg. SHe asked. Fine. Phoenix said. They say she's due to hatch anyday now. Good. She replyed.you may go. As Phoenix turned to leave, his mother came barging in . My queen. She said. The flamewings are here.( The enemy tribe and most powerful (by force) of the tribes). And their quee n is here as well. The queen of the flame wings. Was the most feared queen in pyrriah history.she had a barb tip that was hotter than a fire scaled dragons.come with me. Said the queen beckoning to Phoenix. Kahara(phoenixs mother) you stay here. Kahara nodded hesitantly.Phoenix, get the egg. Said the queen. He nodded.
29.08.2019 21:26
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Soon he came back with the egg. Lets go out in the meadow, but first. Get your friends, Neptune and fox.He did so. They left for the meadow. Once they got there. The queen of the flame wings was there. Ahhhhh, finally, now we can see who's the most powerful, through mind or through strength ... She said with malice in her eyes. And lept at the queen of the starwings just as the egg was cracking. The starwing queen lept into the air but the flamewing queen was faster. She plunged her scorching barb into her heart. The dragonet in the egg had to watch this. The death of her mother the momment she was born. This moment would stay in her head the rest of her life.but she didn't know what death was at the time. And she never wanted to.r-RUN!. Where the starting queens last words before she was dragged back and flung back by the queen of the flamewings.she smiled wickedly.Phoenix and the others bolted flying as fast as there small wings could carry them.oh, let then fly. You'll catch them.but they didnt.
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