Patrick Inception
Gift4@Luckygem (no requests)
so true bestie <3
.~Dragon Queen~.
Blink 2
Sonic Wave
Read below if you like my art
01.06.2018 01:36
LinkFirst of all, thank you for reading this! Thank you for liking my art, too! So, I will get straight to the point. I'm doing requests. If you want me to draw your character, please follow me and post your character here! I will eventually get to it (ASAP)
01.06.2018 01:56
Link*le gasp
yay! Do u do animals, too?
01.06.2018 01:57
Linkif so can you please draw my OC NightFrost? Thank chu so much! (/≧▽≦)/
01.06.2018 02:15
LinkI will get to it straight away ^.^
(Fun fact: I actually started drawing with animals. It started as wolves and then moved to cats!)