Contest for my new series!~


16.05.2019 16:31
LinkSo, I've decided to make a new series!! It's called "Alice's Story", and you have a chance to be in it!! Whoever does not win will be background characters.
*Roles that I have already decided (There's only one.);*
*Roles I have not decided;*
News Reporter
Chloe's loyalest soldier
Alice and Edd's parents
Chloe's ex BFF
All you need to do is make your character and give me their backstory.
Good luck to all of you!!

17.05.2019 00:33
LinkTHERE IS ONE ROLE LEFT!!! Try out for Alice and Edd's parents now!!

17.05.2019 01:07
LinkAll the roles have been TAKEN!!

Winter was a kid, she lived in Alaska. she loved the endless amounts of snow, and she went outside whenever. her only friends were the penguins and her parents. she was a sweet kid, until that fateful day... she was 15 now, and out in town buying groceries. she came home to find blood, everywhere. her parents, and new baby brother... dead. and over their corpses was a man. a man with a knife. after that, she just kinda... lost it. she flew at the man, screaming and sobbing... the man was shocked, he had frozen of fear of her rage; but it was too late. by the time the police arrived, he was on the ground, scared and helpless. almost dead. bruised. the police pulled Winter away, and arrested the guy. he went peacefully. after that Winter had to find a new place to go. she couldnt stay. so she got plane tickets, and found a new life. in where she lives now.