"The doctor will see you now."

My Heart is in Flames

wat the heck is this thing

Happy flecks <33

All The amazing animators!


For my followers and Ethan.


25.05.2019 00:52
LinkMessage for followers: @Ethan-Bean is a bad person. If you don’t want to bullied don’t talk or interact with him. He is a BAD person. You don’t have to listen to me or my opinions.
Message for Ethan: So, it's been a long year, huh? Well, surprise! I hate you A LOT and i don’t want your thoughts, opinions, or “apology” in my comment section or in my life. If you would do me a favor and NOT bully people that would help a lot. Ok, real talk. You are a pitiful human being, i hate you and will never respect you. Leave me alone and get your depressed ass out of my life. I have the right to post, say and do whatever i want without your consent. You are NOT my boss, and i never want you to. So i hope that simplifies everything for you. Thank you, have a fantastic day *****.

25.05.2019 00:53
LinkIf you comment back, i won't answer.

25.05.2019 00:59
Linkhey if ethan-bean is a bully? i think i can fix that >:) cause i will defend all my followers and the ppl i followed from haters and bullies and help them so he better not mess with me

25.05.2019 01:01
LinkHe doesn't deserve your help.

25.05.2019 01:02
Linkno im not helping him im gonna help u and his victims

25.05.2019 01:03
LinkIt won't work... :/

25.05.2019 01:05
Linkhaha believe me i got rid of lacey a few times but she changed now so yeah she isnt a proplem anymore anyways i have anon on my side and im on his side

25.05.2019 01:07
LinkOk, just be careful.

25.05.2019 14:57
LinkNo inkasa didn't get rid of me

Really, as you say that you put yours on mine? So whats that about being ah hypocrite again? Oh yeah. Didn't think i'd have to mention it. Besides I left a nice opinion to you asking for them and you turn around and become a feminist upon me. Literally everyone left an opinion, and two left the same, me and someone else, and you're jumping on me probably because Im a male and I did do a whole bunch for you.

And im not being a bully you're just being oblivious to everything in the world, theres gotta be someone with common sense in the conversation to get you to see things more clear honey ;) And making gossip and drama about something you decided to start from asking for the opinions isnt my fault honey. If you can't take it don't write it c;

I understand that both you might be a little bit frustrated, but it's best for everyone if you shook hands, gave hugs, and forgave each other. Drama has been on the decline, and everyone needs to pitch in to kiss it goodbye.