20.03.2024 14:53
20.03.2024 14:56
Linkthe term "talented" is dumb
yes some people have a natural talent for things,
But for my art or music being called talented hurts,
If my art is good that's nice, but It wasn't just suddenly good
saying I'm talented undermines the fact that I WORKED!! for my art and music
I practiced, and learned, and studied, and put so much effort into my art, I don't just suddenly have nice art, I worked for it, and saying its all talent isn't true
20.03.2024 14:58
LinkI wasn't born with the ability to know color theory,
I wasn't born with the ability to draw furries or people
I learned this all, and mostly on my own,
I did studies and took inspiration, and understood things.
Art is not easy, and no one should be chalked up to talent
Skills are sharpened through time. Your may think you’re not talented when you may have been still building up to it
like, someone who's just drawings stick figures just because why not, art is good art to me, but its not the good art I mean, is someone who puts time into learning and sharpening their skills to do a specific piece, example: someone drawing stick figures but they did all they could to make the stick figures look or move as nice as I they wanted it to look