SpookAnim Day 15 - Books


16.10.2020 02:10
LinkMaybe not the most fitting theme, buuut... eh lol
Also, I'm genuinely really sorry a lot of these Spookanim posts are kinda ass. It's because one, I always make these really late at night cause of laziness, and I don't have enough time to make them better. Second, I'm working on a new FA Short with Fuzzy that takes up the old editor, and it's a grueling task switching the anim files over and over lmfao.
Also, I'm mainly doing this as a way to make up for being so inactive on this website lmao. Ik It's not much rn, but hopefully I'll try to ACTUALLY put more effort into these later on.

Pman, here's the thing. As much as i love your anims, the community prefers quality over quantity. Not to say that this is bad, but like, you shouldn't feel sorry if they are. You have reasons for making them the way they are. Not only are you busy with other things outside of flipanim, but you're pumping these out at the same time as making another animation. You shouldn't be sorry for inactivity in this website, since not only does it mean you can make better content, but it also means that when you post, it makes it special. And that's what i think makes a popular animator popular. When he/she posts, the posts feel special and not crammed together or not as best as it can be, nor too spaced out to the point the community loses interest (the first point is why i don't really like when ak shitposts several days in a row). Anyways, sorry for making this long, but thanks for reading this if you are.