But fr ur girl probably needs a break. It’s definitely upsetting but like just try to give her space and shit
And like idk
But also she needs to chill like why’d she get with a clingy person and be like “ugh ur so clingy”
sobbing errmrm no she's just busy with work and stuff all the time so she barely finds time to talk to me and uhm she like values her "alone time" or whatever idk kinda gay tbh 🥱
But u should respect her boundaries… but if u can’t like be in a relationship that is like that then maybe take a break or break uo… it’s not worth putting effort in a relationship you can’t have☹️☹️
so so true i mean I try not to bug her too much she jus like always on my mind literally!! but errrm even if like we had to break up we couldn't bc neither of us physically can 😻which is super duper awesome! Being in a relationship for 2 years kinda do that I guess idk