50 AWESOME things!
23.04.2018 14:40
Link(Taken from the book "1000 Awesome Things"/my school assignment lol)
1. Picking the perfect nacho off someone else’s plate
2. Planning for snoozes
3. Being the first person into a really crowded movie theater and getting the prime seats
4. Neighbors with pools
5. Spending all your money on candy
6. Getting the eyelash out of your eye
7. Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row
8. When you get the milk to cereal ratio just right
9. When the vending machine gives you two things instead of one
10. Absolute perfect silence
11. Pouring a drink where the bubbles go right to the top but not over
12. Remembering what movie that guy is from
13. Your favorite old, comfy T-shirt
14. Waking up before your alarm clock and realizing you’ve got lots of sleep time left
15. Thinking it’s Thursday when it’s Friday
16. When your sneeze stalls for a second and then comes booming out
17. The smell of Play-Doh
18. Laughing so hard you make no sound at all
23.04.2018 14:40
Link19. When you open your cell phone and there are a bunch of text messages waiting
20. Old school sugar cereals
21. When you’re washing the car and it’s hose time
22. When someone compliments your new haircut
23. Using any item within reach to help grab the remote control so you don’t have to move
24. When the phone rings and it’s someone you were just thinking about
25. Carrying all the groceries in from the car in one big trip
26. Tossing garbage in the trash can from far away
27. Correctly guessing the actor voicing the animated movie character
28. When the guy with a full cart of groceries lets you go ahead because you’re only buying one thing
29. When you open a book to the exact page you were looking for
30. Laughing so hard you start crying
31. Catching food in your mouth
32. Dropping your cell phone on the sidewalk and then realizing it’s totally fine
33. Picking the fastest moving line at the grocery store checkout
34. When someone saves you a seat
35. Do Nothing Days
36. B
23.04.2018 14:40
Link36. Biting off the last piece of the popsicle without losing any of it
37. When someone who doesn’t like pizza crust gives you their pizza crust
38. When that social event you didn’t want to go to gets canceled
39. When you get in the car and notice someone filled up the tank
40. Correctly guessing an old password you haven’t used in a while
41. Your Almost Name
42. Pizza soulmates
43. Being next
44. When the crosswalk changes to walk just as you approach it
45. Sundays
46. When everyone you’re eating with at the restaurant agrees you made the best choice
47. That bite with all the toppings in it
48. Sticking your foot in the door just before it closes
49. When you hit that point in the book where you suddenly can’t stop reading
50. A la moding anything
23.04.2018 14:40
LinkSo these are things :)