- create flipbook animations online!
25.03.2021 16:45
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POV: you're in an abandoned, rusted old city with 80's technology and cars and everything. You are one of the few survivors of a nuclear disaster. The buildings are bloody, abandoned, covered in fallout, and corpses are everywhere. The sky is dusty and full of haze yet it is also overcast with dark, miserable clouds as if it were almost night. You have a gas mask and backpack on, carrying your few items as you're traveling through the depressing city to go to a happier, cleaner, and functional city. The telephone lines are everywhere, some torn down, and you find a dirt-covered, radiation-infested, abandoned school bus that still happens to operate well, despite the broken windows, torn, foamy seats, and smashed and dented metal pieces of the large vehicle
25.03.2021 16:46
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You travel the dark area, with the traffic lights still on, despite any other cars being present. You avoid the few remaining humans, who happen to either be rapists, murderers, or just overall jerks. There are also scary illusions of demons, creatures you'd see in a dream or an episode of You travel the dark area, with the traffic lights still on, despite any other cars being present. You avoid the few remaining humans, who happen to either be rapists, murderers, or just overall jerks. There are also scary illusions of demons, creatures you'd see in a dream or an episode of paranoia in the middle of a sleepless night.
25.03.2021 16:46
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The entire inclusion zone looks like what a human could see in a schizophrenic episode. You explore abandoned churches, schools, daycare places, and even mental and regular hospitals. You explore old, littered Victorian houses, apartments, water parks, and amusement parks. Animatronics are torn, tattered, and rusted underwater, which could give you the feeling of submechaniphobia. In some houses, you see vintage, old rocking chairs, old plushes and toys, and thick, large curtains covering the windows, which gives you this chilling, oddly nostalgic childhood feeling. You continue to travel the mangled vicinity in your bus until you stop and leave the vehicle to look at a beautiful sunset.
25.03.2021 16:46
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Clouds on that side are finally disappearing, and everything that was known as horrific suddenly becomes beautiful. You become awash with memories that flood your body with a euphoric, faithful feeling. You then realize that it's all an illusion, as you wake up in a beautiful, scenic meadow. No people or noise accept for the chirping birds. You see an eternal field of bright green grass and flowers, swaying in the warm breeze. It is bright and sunny, and the sky is a beautiful, bright blue with little white puffs that could barely even be considered clouds. There are mountains, rivers, and valleys, and you come to realize that you are blissful, and peaceful.
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