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i have some things to say
29.12.2021 19:41
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Hi hi hi!!! this anim is about my opinions so ima be sharing those. Hey don't look at me if you get offended because.... DISCLAMER!!! This touches on hard subjects and i would rather you not read this if you don't wanna get offended reading this. OK!!!
29.12.2021 19:52
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subject one- lgbtq+ wooo boy... just letting ya know i do NOT have a lot of good things to say about this community. again, i apologize. The good things!! :) I like the idea of embracing yourself and accepting your faults and you as a person in general. Thats a lovely concept if i do say so myself. Sadly, that is technically the only good thing i have to say about lgbtq. So... The oatmeal raisin cookies of lgbtq :/ It's gross how kid's cartoons are implementing this. No, it's sad. A LOT of my favourite cartoons have lesbian or gay characters. Take the owl house for example! "Lumity" or whatever its called is canon. and i swear if i see two boys or girls on children's television kissing... well im going to kill someone's cat. Another thing is that people in the community can just have disgusting behavior if you judge them. Im not saying everyone is lgbtq is like that, but quite a few are. And another thing, i don't believe it is physically, humanly possible to be non-binary. It literally is not
29.12.2021 20:00
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-possible. um ok, so. don't kill me please! :D ok... takin some risks now. Subject two- evolution good things!!!! monke What???? (bad things) Ok ok so lol um, ehe. hEaR mE oUt GuYs. Evolution makes absolutely NO sense, WHATSOEVER. How can people put pure faith in chance? Like, how. I mean, don't hurt me with all ya'll sayin buutttt. How can a cell evolve into a fish and then a monkey??? i mean, the farther back you go on an evolutionary time-table, it just gets more confusing and so on. i dont know how evolutionists graduate, seriously guys it takes skill to even try to comprehend all that... ooookkkk, on to subject 3!! :)
29.12.2021 20:08
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ok all doom and gloom is over. i really wanted to end on a silly note, soooo... Subject 3- silly nonsensical opinions ;P 1. the scottish are superior to the irish!!! i mean, there's an entire mountain dedicated to obi wan kenobi over there in scottland, so... yanno....... 2. Liam Thompson is SERIOUSLY underrated. go check him out on YT!! 3. Frogs are by far the coolest animals on this earth 4. Microwave Society is stupid but i love watching them because i have time to kill and they are VERY underrated 5. Lord of the Beans is best veggietales, man. 6. The mother series should have a tv show 7. Mother 3 should be localized. Ok i hope you liked the silly ones and ranted over the other 2 subjects. i have no mercy!
29.12.2021 20:09
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scream at me all you want but dude seriously.
29.12.2021 23:52
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kk! glad you somewhat support the lgbtq+ community, and i understand that it makes u a bit uncomfy ( sorry 'bout my acc, btw, FULL of gays as i may be one myself ). at least you ain't a total karen about all this stuff.
01.01.2022 21:48
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yeh lol im just growing up in conservative household so eh it's ok! I like your art, even if some of it is lgbt. i dont hate gays or lesbis, i have friends like that and i still love and support them. i just wanted to voice my opinions since i always stay quiet and so i kinda exploded here. ehe... -u-'
01.01.2022 21:52
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the original reason for why i wrote all this was because i wanted to voice silly opinions and then thought itd be at least a lil ok to say my opinions on lgbtq and stuff. so sorry about that, heheh..
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