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random torture method for oct
04.10.2023 02:57
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20 by 20 room full of halloween decoration decorated like a fifth grade classroom that reminiscent room you remember as a kid theres no from what you can within but its secretly a shut in facility outside of coutry, no one would save you ive they were to just stop feeding you on repeat plays monster mash, doesnt bug you at first until it does all thats there to eat for the next months is those soft cookies and obviously cheap store brand candies
04.10.2023 03:01
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weeks past, you throw up alot but survive only off of the sink water that hasnt been cut off yet, your teeth are starting to rot and hurt but you cant help it. you basically start living on a taffy based diet so you can save your teeth from pain an intercom shouts out nonsense and asks you “trick or treat” you say treat and suddenly you get those tiny travel cleanse kits, youve been wearing the same things for months, youve picked up a smell. you start hallucinating that things are moving, due to some halloween strobes of pumpkins and skeletons, until you hear human footsteps walk past you but no one is there. you think its the song or something no.. no no you think? there cant be anyone, im alone in this hell
04.10.2023 03:05
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this intercom continues asking the question and at this point you have had the time to construct a friend out of moldable sweets, but your boredom soon befalls you again so you get the courage to say trick. and the music stops and the room goes pitch dark, and the room gets c h i l l. you freeze before its the bolt quickly snaking down from the ceiling and giving you a couple volts as a mechanical maniacal laugh erupts from the intercom and the lights come back on, slightly warped
04.10.2023 03:12
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a year passes, somehow youre still alive, your teeth are yellowed and rotten, the pain trickles down you every time you breathe, a voice comes on the intercom and says, ‘trick or treat?’ you say treat, you might as well then the lights come off, not the usual candy drop-off as the candy slips down the chute- you think nothing of it until a man stuck together by his bones and some greatly fashioned candy clothes tackles you for yours both of you can barely fight so its a matter of standing your ground as he paces, he seems damn near feral as walks around you, and inhuman look in his eyes as he surrounds you, he lunges at you and you both wrestle on the ground before you bite into the neck of the brittle opponent, a deafening crunch falls over your head as he stops scratching and screaming at you, you pull back and most of your teeth have left their sockets, some still surprisingly intact, the man is dead, with your teeth hanging off him. the lights go off and start strobing, bright as ever as
04.10.2023 03:15
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the intercoms laugh, and they dont stop, eventually authorities find your skinny and frail corpse nestled in millions of candy wrappers and cookie boxes, you survived a few more months but candy just doesnt cut it, you pass away listening to monster mash, and everything thing goes cold as a man stands in front of you and calmly says “Happy Halloween.”
04.10.2023 02:58
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I will gladly go there that was my best memory 3rd grade
04.10.2023 16:45
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That is. Pretty insane, and I'm surprised there isn't like, a horror movie about that.
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