My last art piece on here.


01.10.2021 07:35
LinkYour last art piece is a masterpiece <3 ill miss you so so much

01.10.2021 07:36
LinkThank you so much.
I'll miss you too, I love you. (friend)

01.10.2021 07:39
LinkWhen do you plan to go?
if its a couple hours i wanna do somthing for you before you leave send some refs let me make you art or anything you want you were my best fa friend and its going to stay that way wether you are still here or not homie

01.10.2021 07:46
LinkIn around 2 hours. In 5 hours my family will be back and I'l hopefully be dead!

01.10.2021 07:48
LinkI still don't reallyyyy fully plan on doing it but I've attempted before.

01.10.2021 07:48
Linkif you still want it then here-

01.10.2021 07:52
Linkill work on it my battery is so low it might be a bit rushed im just going to try find a charger real quick

01.10.2021 08:15
LinkFinished C:

You know, when I had my first attempt
It was an overdose
My stomach felt like it was Turing inside out over and over again, I had a bad headache and I just- couldn't get out of bed
My memory was foggy and still is
I can't remember things like I used to
I understand where you're coming from really I do
But you
You're one of my friends
As much as I want to end it right now
I want to stay with everyone else as well
Don't you feel that way?
You must because you're saying goodbye to everyone
You've made a lot of friends
And quite frankly I'm jealous
You have people you care about
Why would you through it all away
Because of some stupid set backs?

I do feel that way.
I'm actually really honored to be your friend.
You literally made me proud of my art.
Before I met you,
I hated my art so much.
I saw yours and it gave me hope,
Because I already could slightly draw eyes like that and just that bit of hope really helped me.
Of course it wasn't because of eyes but it's just an example.
If it's together, then I guess....
I'll live for you.

Maybe wait a couple days it seems your kinda unsure about it
but if you wanna do it today Im not stopping you 💗💖💖