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"Not so innocent.."~
10.02.2021 22:46
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Osako Kurosaki Age 13
10.02.2021 22:51
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He lived a good life as a child and was born into a rich, powerful family. He grew up as an only child and was treated well by his family's many maids and servants. Although he lived a great life, he looked around at those who didn't. Passing the streets seeing people beg for money, starve to death day by day, and struggle through the coldest of days made him sick to his stomach. Even though his parents were rich, they spent all their money on themselves, which made him mad. Osako ran away from home, not wanting to live in such luxury while others didn't. He decided to live on the streets for a week with a few friends and found out exactly what those poor people were feeling for months on end... From that day forward, despised discomfort, and became a villain, per se. He himself didn't consider himself a villain, but a hero in disguise. He killed, robbed, and stole from those who were fortunate enough to live good lives. At age 13, he joined a criminal group that invited him and offered a great reward if he-
10.02.2021 22:57
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-followed their instructions. In the end, he became one of the most well known young criminals in the state. His power is unknown by the police, but they assume it had something to do with metal. A short description of his power: His ability ever since he was young is called "Metal magnet." in short, he can attract metal to himself and other places. He cannot bend, twist, or manipulate the shape of metal, but he can dismantle it if he pleased. Say he was cuffed up and was being sent to jail. In a moment of desperation, he'd be able to destroy the cuffs from the inside and make them fall apart. He also uses his power to levitate people. As long as another person's clothing has some kind of iron or steel in it, he can use that to attack others who threaten him. In the end, he mostly uses his wits and athletic abilities to fight in close range, but in difficult situations, he's able to resolve the conflict quickly with a few stabs to the chest with the many knives and daggers he carries around with him.
10.02.2021 22:50
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