20 Art style Challenge
*Jams out the bacc*
slushie bear-goat
You are my rose
mix dat thang
night whale 3
my internet history (credit)
18.03.2021 19:58
Linklmt credit to Aloe-Box for idea
18.03.2021 19:58
Linkthis will be long ;-;
18.03.2021 19:59
LinkI got into the internet when I was 9 I think and it wasn't very toxic then but also I didn't get into some of the drama that others got into
18.03.2021 20:00
LinkSo first it started on an app called Tayasui Sketches
18.03.2021 20:01
LinkIt had a community where people could post their art
18.03.2021 20:02
LinkI was like 10 when I joined and it was very fun. I guess I just posted a lot of sh*tpost stuff because like what do you do when you are 10 and you are given these resources.
18.03.2021 20:03
LinkI told my mom about it and she said I did not need to be apart of the community.
18.03.2021 20:03
LinkSo I left for 2 years because I also uninstalled the app
18.03.2021 20:05
LinkAt age 12 I realized what ✨digital art✨ was.
18.03.2021 20:05
LinkI got very inspired by an artist named DrawingWiffWaffles (find her on YouTube)
18.03.2021 20:06
LinkSo I reinstalled the Tayasui Sketches and I got better at it. I realized once again about the community and I laughed at all my sh*tposts
18.03.2021 20:09
LinkI deleted them and I started over. I named myself WatermelonPit. Okay hear me out, that is a weird name but here is my story. I got this shopkin that was a watermelon. I also really liked watermelons. (fast forward: my favorite fruit is strawberries) Anyway, my dad asked what my business name would be and I said that lmao. He said that wasn't a real name so that's why I kept it. I also wanted a food so that is would sound like DrawingWiffWaffles
18.03.2021 20:11
LinkI did not post on Sketches for a whole month since I started over
18.03.2021 20:11
LinkI had a pretty crappy iPad it was the 2007 edition ;-;
18.03.2021 20:12
LinkI don't think the apple pencil was even invented yet so I used this crappy Pony stylus.
18.03.2021 20:13
Link2 months later, we have our very first post on Sketches
18.03.2021 20:13
LinkIt was this drawing of me that said "Hi, I am new. Like this"
18.03.2021 20:14
LinkThis app has this policy: "One post, per day" and "Your drawing will be in the community in 24 hours"
18.03.2021 20:15
Link12 year old me beat the system and found a way for 2 posts per day. I would post at 6:00 in the morning and 7:00 at night.
18.03.2021 20:16
LinkMy post only got 2 likes so ;-;
18.03.2021 20:16
Linkkkk on to YouTube
18.03.2021 20:17
LinkI asked my dad multiple times for a YOuTube channel and he said "You don't need one"
18.03.2021 20:18
LinkSo I was sneaky and started my own one without permission.
18.03.2021 20:18
LinkIn that time I was exposed to some stuff I didn't need to see
18.03.2021 20:19
LinkSuch as,, momo, porn, extreme gore, exc
18.03.2021 20:19
LinkI got a little twisted in the head and became that little addicted 12 year old
18.03.2021 20:21
LinkI named my YouTube channel Watermelon Pit. (it is no longer available because it has been transferred into something new)
18.03.2021 20:23
LinkMy first video was me recording my bed saying "This is my YouTube channel." Within 2 hours the video had gained 12 views!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy
18.03.2021 20:23
LinkI returned to Sketches only to find a post saying Happy Pride Month
18.03.2021 20:24
LinkI did not know what that was so google time. Figuring out what it was, I searched up each sexuality on google and YouTube
18.03.2021 20:26
LinkI just wanted to know what I was. In the past, I had crushes on guys. I had a very strong connection with my best friend who happened to be a girl.
18.03.2021 20:27
LinkSo I took a test to find my sexuality. Most results were lesbian, pansexual, and bisexual. I also got a few straights.
18.03.2021 20:29
LinkBack to Sketches, the same person who posted the Pride Month thing also posted two guys kissing 👉🏻👈🏻. I was traumatized by this and yet eager to know more.
18.03.2021 20:31
LinkI kinda quit Sketches after that because yeah. Each day I got more interested and found it cool.
18.03.2021 20:35
LinkYOu probably are like, did you not go to school? I did, I did. SOme kids were bullying this guy for having a crush on Bruno Mars. YOu live long enough, and you will see everything. I decided to help them. Its ok to be gay. ANd to have a crush on Bruno Mars. We became friends. I miss him to this day.
18.03.2021 20:36
LinkOn my YouTube channel I had 7 subscriber. I was like, how did I not blow up yet? Maybe because I had crappy old iPad quality but who knows?
18.03.2021 20:40
LinkSo I quit YouTube to kinda focus on more things and to get better. I also where having painful dreams of guilt. Everything I was doing was going against my parents will. I just needed to keep my eye on the prize. My parents just wanted me to get good grades and breathe right.
18.03.2021 20:41
LinkI evetually came back at age 14
18.03.2021 20:41
LinkWith a cleaner mind and a fresh start
18.03.2021 21:01
LinkMy YouTube channel was still at 7 subscriers
18.03.2021 21:02
LinkSo I deleted all of he videos with a new name Gatcha Hope
18.03.2021 21:05
LinkI changed my sketches name to Snowitea (wow so original) I really liked their style. I also realized this app called Procreate was so much better than Sketches
18.03.2021 21:05
LinkSo now we are in early 2020's
18.03.2021 21:17
LinkI started drawing in a more Anime-ish style. I loved Procreate. Sometimes I would just screenshot my art from Procreate and post it on sketches. I got up to 432 likes! So this was my new passion.
18.03.2021 21:19
LinkMoving to July 2020
18.03.2021 21:20
LinkThis i when I turn 15, life goes splatt
18.03.2021 21:24
LinkOn Sketches there was a issue. You couldn't see any ones posts or like. Everyone called it "THE GLITCH". Many people made memes out of it. Later in September, everyone made messages saying that they were leaving. The hype kinda died. Life kinda died. So there was a post saying the alternative for Sketches including FlipAnim, Scratch, and more. So I tried FlipAnim and it was pretty cool. Old acct: Art Hope
18.03.2021 21:26
LinkI left sketches completely. Moving on to YOuTUbe
18.03.2021 21:30
LinkI changed my YouTube name to Art Hope. I competed in contests which got my hype up. I have 25 subscribers currently. I made some cool friends. I also found out there was a google classroom for Sketches and I joined that
18.03.2021 21:31
LinkOn Christmas I got my an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil. Turns out I don't have Safari so no FA
18.03.2021 21:32
LinkI left the GC because of toxicity.
18.03.2021 21:32
LinkThe glitch was fixed on Sketches so I went back on.
18.03.2021 21:33
LinkI made a friend that I chat with on Pinterest
18.03.2021 21:33
LinkGOt hacked ;-;
18.03.2021 21:34
LinkY'know the usual
18.03.2021 21:36
LinkSo in February I joined FA again with this account. I didn't know what I was thinking. I had a mouse and a pc. I gained 84 followers wow. FA has its own drama but i can handle it. This place is amazing and I will never leave. (Maybe) I just love the warm hearted people here. Ty to everyone who helped me.
18.03.2021 21:36