for shift (let me type)


04.12.2020 14:46
Linkjust wait intil shape-shifter see this

you have always been there for me even when and even if u felt down on your self i wish i could repay you for all the hope you gave me all the inspiration you gave me and all the love you gave me i love you bendy was just a cringy cartoon crush i thought would help with having no one but i had you scarecrow he forced me into love i loved you then but he would hurt me if i told you i do love you cause when you comment i cant help but smile even though i feel like giving up heck im crying right now knowing your still here every comment post even every like it reminds me how much i love you my mom took me away from fa for just 5 hours i was panicking crying and hurting thinking your hurt and im not there hoping you dont leave the face of the earth and wondering why you couldnt be right next to you -

im moving im going to be driving fom phoenix to over near angrige its going to be the the only chance i have to see you please let me know were we can meet i will give u the time u have when we move please take this srsly and not as a joke i really do love you and i wanna see you at least once in my life or give me your phone number on private anim
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