Anyways random thimg
30.06.2022 21:07
LinkI've known about this site since around early 2018
Why you ask?
Simply because I used it use my siblings Chromebook to draw and I wanted Kawaii-chan fan art
So instead of Clicking "download image"
I clicked the link
Then it was in my bookmarks till 2020 for fvcks sake and now I've been on here for almost two years
I think I joined in like october or September idk k wouldn't know I forgot 💀
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30.06.2022 21:11
LinkGuys if the site were on fire in the back of that sketchy McDonald's that I went to when I was 8 it could be seen as normal with the amount of bs I've seen going on here
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30.06.2022 21:13
LinkThere's cool people on here, no doubt but like
There's also fury porn
My sister has called this site Twitter 2.0 because of the amount of weird things on here
30.06.2022 22:04
Linkk nvm i joined in september lol
30.06.2022 22:04
Linkor atleast it says i did uh