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Okay I need to clarify
09.05.2018 12:19
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Everyone is treating me like a school shooting survivor when I just heard gunshots near my house in the middle of the night. I mean, I'm still panicking and I appreciate the concern but nothing bad happened to me or by what I know anyone in my neighborhood, it just freaked me out. I've heard them around here before, I just panicked when I heard them at night and there were so many and they were really close to my house and my mind immidiatly went to "I need to ask for help I'm gonna die what do I do". I am fine, just a little on edge, and by what I know everyone else around here is fine. They were no police involved, hopefully no murder, I don't think anyone is dead or injured, I'm pretty sure everyone is fine and I appreicate the concern and everyone telling me it will be okay and that they are sorry but I am fine and I don't want people thinking I got hurt or something (I mean my ears did. There were like, nine gunshots so).
09.05.2018 12:26
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So I appreciate the love and I'm sorry if I made it sound like I got shot or hurt but no. I didn't. I heard shots, freaked out, grabbed my phone and hid under my covers until I couldn't hear them anymore. The stuff near my window was what I thought to be whoever shot. I was hearing sounds and freaking out. I am fine, just jumpy. You don't have to worry about me. I'm not going to randomly show up on a death bed, alright?
09.05.2018 12:29
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My parents have been acting like nothing happened which is...slowly driving me up the wall because they heard it and are the ones that pointed it out but we're all fine. Thank you for your worries and love.
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