Let You Down MAP


12.06.2020 21:41

12.06.2020 21:48
Link1. Feels like we're on the edge right now I wish that I could say I'm proud I'm sorry that I let you down Let you down (13 seconds) Calixta almost kills Reese
2. All these voices in my head get loud I wish that I could shut them out I'm sorry that I let you down L-l-let you down (13 seconds) Calixta is dragging the limp body of Reese through the forest
3. Yeah, I guess I'm a disappointment Doing everything I can, I don't wanna make you disappointed It's annoying (6 seconds) Calixta is in the underground base, everyone is staring at her
4. I just wanna make you feel like everything I ever did wasn't ever tryna make an issue for you (3 seconds) Alec glares at Calixta
5. But, I guess the more you Thought about everything, you were never even wrong in the first place, right? Yeah, I'ma just ignore you (5 seconds) Reese wakes up with bandages on her body and a cloak on

12.06.2020 21:52
Link6. Walking towards you, with my head down, lookin' at the ground, I'm embarrassed for you Paranoia, what did I do wrong this time? That's parents for you (5 seconds) Calixta brings Reese to meet Alec as he glares at them
7. Very loyal? Shoulda had my back, but you put a knife in it, my hands are full What else should I carry for you? (5 seconds) Calixta trains Reese how to steal and murder
8. Feels like we're on the edge right now I wish that I could say I'm proud I'm sorry that I let you down L-l-let you down (13 seconds) *Flashback* young Calixta holding something valuable in her mouth and looking at the dead bodies of Saturn's parents
All these voices in my head get loud I wish that I could shut them out I'm sorry that I let you down L-l-let you down (13 seconds) *Flashback* Saturn crying over the bodies of her parents

12.06.2020 21:58
Link10. Yeah, you don't wanna make this work You just wanna make this worse (3 seconds) Calixta telling Saturn about the flash back
11. Want me to listen to you But you don't ever hear my words You don't wanna know my hurt, yet (4 seconds) Calixta sits down and looks at Saturn
12. Let me guess you want an apology, probably How can we keep going at a rate like this? We can't, so I guess I'ma have to leave (6 seconds) Calixta stands back up and yells at Saturn
13. Please don't come after me I just wanna be alone right now, I don't really wanna think at all Go ahead, just drink it off Both know you're gonna call tomorrow like nothing's wrong (6 seconds) Saturn yells back at Calixta
14. Ain't that what you always do? I feel like every time I talk to you, you're in an awful mood (3 seconds) Calixta glares at Saturn
15. What else can I offer you? There's nothing left right now, I gave it all to you (3 seconds) Harper, Andrew, and Brody stand behind Saturn, Reese and Calixta stand next to each other
Comment removed

12.06.2020 22:08
Link16. Feels like we're on the edge right now I wish that I could say I'm proud I'm sorry that I let you down L-l-let you down (13 seconds) Saturn leaps at Calixta, claws pointed at her, and glasses at he, causing a huge scratch
17. All these voices in my head get loud I wish that I could shut them out I'm sorry that I let you down L-l-let you down (13 seconds) Calixta throws Saturn off of her and slams her fronts paws down, causing her powers to throw everyone to the ground
18. Yeah, don't talk down to me That's not gonna work now Packed all my clothes and I moved out I don't even wanna go to your house (6 seconds) Calixta looks from her paws to her friends and runs away
19. Everytime I sit on that couch I feel like you lecture me Eventually, I bet that we Could have made this work and probably woulda figured things out (6 seconds) An evil essence comforts Calixta and enter through her wound

12.06.2020 22:14
Link20. But I guess that I'm a letdown But it's cool, I checked out Oh, you wanna be friends now? Okay, let's put my fake face on and pretend now (6 seconds) Calixta is at the underground base and drives a knife into Alec's chest
21. Sit around and talk about the good times That didn't even happen I mean, why are you laughing? Must have missed that joke Let me see if I can find a reaction (6 seconds) Calixta walks out of the base, everyone is staring at her again
22. No, but at least you're happy (3 seconds) Calixta smirks
23. Feels like we're on the edge right now I wish that I could say I'm proud I'm sorry that I let you down Let you down (13 seconds) Calixta sees her friends fighting Mabel and she jumps in to help them
24. All these voices in my head get loud I wish that I could shut them out I'm sorry that I let you down L-l-let you down (13 seconds) Calixta uses her powers and kills Mable, the evil essences leave, good ones replacing them

12.06.2020 22:15
Link25. I'm sorry I'm so sorry now I'm sorry That I let you down (15 seconds) Calixta falls over, blood flowing from cracks all over her body

12.06.2020 22:16
Link17, 19, and 25 are mine

12.06.2020 22:19
Have fun
No fighting over parts
Follow the script and time limit
In part 3 you can add your ocs
Young Calixta and young Saturn just look cuter than they arena (Calixta's cloak is too big)
Reese only wears her cloak in parts 5-7, Calixta and Alec always wear their cloaks
In parts 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25, Calixta has cracks all over her body.

12.06.2020 22:20
LinkCharacter Refs:

12.06.2020 22:22
LinkOne last rule: NO LYPSYNC
Comment removed