20.09.2023 01:38
LinkTo Kira/KindaKoda/Shitposting/white dog I am deeply sorry for making insensitive jokes about you and your dead mother. I am sorry for remaking that drawing of your mom in hell and I wish I could delete it but it's my property so I don't have to. To the times where I told you to kill yourself and slit your wrists , that's all in the past please forgive me. I, HeckarReformed, hope we can live side by side on the Flipanim country in peace and harmony.
20.09.2023 01:38
"Your life is nothing, you serve zero purpose, you should kill yourself NOW, and give somebody else a piece of that oxygen in the ozone layer that's covered up so we can breathe inside of this blue trapped bubble. Like what are you even here for? To worship me? Kill yourself. and I mean that with a hundred percent, with a thousand percent."