How to make good Kale chips
21.08.2020 23:43
LinkOkay so a couple people seemed interested so here is a super easy recipe
21.08.2020 23:47
LinkTake some kale, and rip it up into pieces around 2-3 inches in diameter (like five centimeters if you aren't american), rinse and pour olive oil on them, then toss the leaves until everything is covered in olive oil. put your greasy kale on a tray, and pour salt all over it. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F (idk how to adapt that into celcius sorry) and then just pop it in, check up on it every five minutes or so until it's mostly black. you don't want a lot of green, then it gets soggy and cold.
21.08.2020 23:49
LinkYou might not like it, but I can guarantee this is a lot better than whatever shit they're selling at the store. especially because they're hot. The ideal kale chip should kind of crumble in your mouth the second you put any pressure on it.
21.08.2020 23:49
Linkthe whole thing should take like 15 minutes (I recommend turning on oven and letting it preheat first, to save time)
21.08.2020 23:51
Linkuh also the temp of the oven can vary, but you just don't want to burn them so bad that they taste like charcoal.