anyone taking chemistry?
10.01.2023 18:14
LinkAfter lunch
10.01.2023 18:15
LinkWhat am i looking at rn
10.01.2023 18:16
LinkI have no idea that what im trying to figure out, I need to name the compounds and write the functions but ive go no clue
10.01.2023 18:19
LinkSo ky friend said you need numbers next go the letters
10.01.2023 18:23
Linkyeah thats for the formula ill figure it out
Np! So like if you want the basics, you start at the longest carbon chain. That's what's the base is made off of, like methane, ethane, pentane, octane, stuff involving numbers, etc.
Then the first chain you list is the one that's closest to the end of the large chain. Like if it was 3 from one end, 4 from another, you would call it 3. And then you put 3-the name of what it is, like ethyl, methyl, etc. If you got two or three, it's diethyl, trimethyl, etc.
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Bored so I'ma dump what I was taught
If there's multiple chains, one that's 3 from the end and one that's 2, you list the shorter chain first.
There's 2 ethyls on different spots like 1 and 4? 1, 4 diethyl
An ethyl and methyl on the same spot (3)? 3-methyl, 3-ethyl
Can go to stuff like 2, 6-methyl, 3,4-ethyloctane