ayo your gay
28.09.2022 12:49
LinkOop- I am?
28.09.2022 12:49
Linklol its just a random thing for the title
28.09.2022 12:51
Linkok who starts lol
28.09.2022 13:04
28.09.2022 13:33
Linksry abt that- also sure
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He crossed his legs and took another sip of his coffee and spoke softly "Your so sweet Leon..you were always so caring when you were with me..and, i love that about you...and if im completly honest, i didnt think i would fall for you" he chuckled smiling softly "and...your so...so mystereous.." he looked at Leon, lightly blushing "though..i must say something about you..." he paused for a moment, huffing a little "just seems..." he sighed "actually never mind that, prolly just me" he chuckled and sighed
+Leon smiled and hummed.+ "First of all..your hella fine. Your body just fits perfectly in my hands..second of all, you're really my type. So cute, funny, and sweet...sexy half the time.." +He laughed to himself, and looked down at Chris lovingly.+ "Your honestly everything that I'd ask for in a partner. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you...honestly, your everything to me.."