My boyfriend broke up with me


18.09.2020 00:02
Linkwho was it!?!?!?!

18.09.2020 00:11
Linksorry can't tell because you know privacy.

I had boyfriend. in 2018 we were very good friends and the in the end of 2018 we kind of a spark then after school ended Sprite kind of gone away then in 2019 the spark came back we started dating we found a lot more stuff in common so I mean it's even the stronger together then in 2020 we were still in love but now just today he didn't love me anymore he said we are too young and now he is inside of PI Plus I can really get to see him that often he might have found someone else I don't know never said they said with a severe first since he still be BFF a lot in common but I still don't get why. sorry if some of my spelling is wrong I rushed this.