Pony girl got new ref


02.12.2021 19:50
Linklowkey proud of her eye-

02.12.2021 20:01
Linkdis the old one.
Age:early 20s
Gender: female
Sexuality: Lesbian.
Moonsugar has one sister named sunray. They had a huge fight a few years ago around the time they were 15 ish and haven't talked in years now. (they are twins) Moon is also partly blind. almost fully in the daylight.
How she feels about the Main six (bc she is an MLP oc.)
Twilight: she freaks her out a bit, overly obsessive about small things and could care less that she is a princess.
Pinkie pie: due to living in the everfree she doesn't attend parties by the pink pony but hears they are fun.
Applejack: best girl definitely, ofc she has her flaws such as not asking for help when she needs it but absolutely adores her love for her family.
Fluttershy: surprisingly enough this one scares her, something just feels off.
Rarity: annoys her like no other and would love to punch her.
Rainbow Dash: another she'd love to punch, likes how loyal she i

02.12.2021 20:06
LinkMoon can be easily angered but most of the time shes fairly chill She got her cutie mark from her love of astrology.
Her mother was a Pegasus (thats why she has feathers)
and her father was a bat pony.
her sister is more Pegasus the only thing about her that hints at bat pony is her ears and teeth.
i do plan on drawing her sister soon.