i want to share a story i made


23.10.2020 22:07
LinkEcho kept running. Her feet hurt but she kept going. Soon she reached a small river near a field where she could hide. She looked around to see if she could find one of those caves in the rocks. “Cave is not what it is though,” she said. “It's more of a ditch.” she found one big enough to squeeze through and too small for the ash clan troops. Only four wolves were chasing her but still she could get killed. She sighed and squeezed herself into the ditch. She didn't know the river filled up into the ditch and she fell into the water. She thought she was done for. The river came from somewhere, then she felt water swirling through a gap in the wall.

her heart was pounding. She swam through the gap and to the surface of the river, gasping for air. But the current was strong. She meant to swim towards land but she was pulled under by the waves and went the way that was headed for an even dangerous thing. She could hear it. The current pulling her towards something she feared for a long time. Echo could tell it was big because of how loud it was. Then it happened. The waterfall came and she was falling into the mist. Then that's when she met luna. The future leader of the moon clan.

Chapter 2
A saved life
Luna looked at Echo confused. She never saw a moon wolf like this before. Echo and Luna were still young so they did not know much. Luna tapped Echos head. Echo slowly opened her eyes and saw the young white wolf staring at her with sapphire eyes. Echo had emerald eyes. Echo gasped and scrambled to her feet. Luna kept looking at her. ¨um, who are you?” Echo asked. Luna started sniffing Echo all over. She peered at Echo and started sniffing her face. ¨hey stop that!¨ Echo ordered. Luna finally answered, ¨ I am Luna. The future queen of the moon clan. How do you not know me? Aren't you a member?” Luna asked.

¨um, no.¨ Echo replied. ¨i'm from the ash clan.¨ Luna dropped to a protective pose and growled at Echo. ¨WOAH! WOAH! take it easy!¨ Echo begged, she really wanted to live after what happened at ash clan, ¨my name is Echo and i ran away from ash clan cause i was going to die!¨ Echo really hoped that Luna would believe her. Then sadly, Luna said, ¨Why should I believe you?¨ Echo stuttered, ¨well…….i…….uh...¨ ¨That's what i thought¨ Luna replied. But just as she finished her sentence a horn blew. ¨ That's coming from the moon clan¨ Luna said, ¨you should stay here.¨ Shocked Echo asked, ¨why? I wanna come help!¨ Luna put her paw on Echo's chest and pushed. ¨Stay here. they will kill you if you come.¨ then Luna ran off towards the moon clan. Echo wondered. ¨whats is going to happen?¨

Chapter 3
Echo knew she wasn't supposed to come, but she came anyway. She hid behind the bushes and saw moon and ash clan troops fighting. One wolf was thrown and Echo duck behind the bush as the wolf fell in front of the bush. Luna came to Echo's hiding spot. Luna looked at Echo. ¨WHY ARE YOU HERE!¨ she whispered loudly. Echo whimpered from the sting in her ears, ¨I want to help!¨ she whispered back. ¨NO!¨ she whispered again. Echo knew one thing about Luna, she was not good at being quiet.

Yet, Luna was very good at bossing, ¨GO BACK!¨ she ordered again. Echo's ears lowered. She headed off just as a moon wolf pushed her and got on top of her. ¨Luna run!¨ the wolf yelled. Luna just stood there looking down at Echo. ¨um, you can, let her go. She's harmless.¨ the wolf was shocked, ¨but she is an ash clan member.¨ the wolf was not an alpha, Echo could tell. This was a clan member. He had to listen to luna because it would be a disgrace to the generation of alphas and alpha females.

The wolf got off of Echo. he let her up, and shot a look at Luna. The alpha whose name was silver, walked up with his mate moonlight. ¨king Silver i'm sorry for the inconvenience, your daughter said this wolf from the ash clan is a friend and is completely harmless-¨ Luna interrupted the wolf with kind gentle words yet they sounded rough. ¨ I never said she was completely harmless. I said that she was harmless. Not completely, just harmless. And i never said she was a friend either.¨ Silver looked at Luna, Luna looked at Silver.

¨well then, why is she hiding from the rest of her clan?¨ Silver asked. Echo wanted to stay with the moon clan more than anything else. And if Luna said that she was her friend then Echo would never be happier. She never had a friend before, but Luna never said that at all. ¨i ran away because the ash clan is horrible! I was abandoned, I almost died and nearly drowned! I want a better place to live!¨ the alpha gazed at Echo. ¨I'm surprised. We've never took in a ash wolf before, you may live here but you must learn our ways.¨

Chapter 4
A wonderful life
5 years later
Echo had to listen to Luna now that she was the alpha. Luna had a nice and daring mate named Fern. he was a light grey wolf with a dark grey leaf mark on his forehead. His belly and feet were also dark grey. Because of how long Echo lived in the moon clan, she started gaining white fur, so her ear tips were white her feet were white and the tip of her tail and nose were white as well. Today the moon wolves gathered at the moon tree. The moon tree was a large willow like tree with glowing white circular fruit