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Swifts Backstory
04.08.2022 18:52
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04.08.2022 18:53
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After swift had been born, her parents, rose and Kingsley, had gone home with her, they both were so so happy to finally have a child of their own. Swift was so small when she was a baby, had a little pink nose too. Few months had past and she learned how to walk, run, jump and climb, her talking was more gibberish than actual words. But after a year, rose grew sick of her, ignoring swift when she had to take care of her. Soon Kingsley had found out and got angry, poor swift had been going hungry most of the time since Kingsley is at work most of the time, from 5 in the morning to 4 at night. The two parents argued once day, swift couldn’t do anything but watch. Few more years had got by, she was 3 now, and it was almost her birthday! She was almost going to turn 4 years old, and her dad promised that they would both go to a water park for her birthday. So everyday, she waited, growing more excited as it grew closer to her birthday. And at last, it was her birthday! She was officially 4 years old.
04.08.2022 18:54
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Both swift and Kingsley packed up for the water park and drove there, once they both arrived, swift was so happy that she was jumping all over the place. They both tried every water ride in the park together , even the big ones. Few hours had past and the sky grew dark as the day came to an end. They both got ready to get back home, but once they both changed into their normal cloths and left the bathroom, a man fired a gun, everyone had panicked, Kingsley hid Swift as he tried to stop the man, but sadly, was shot in the chest. The man wasn’t planning on killing anyone so they ran away, but was eventually caught by the police. Poor swift had witnessed this, she ran over to he papa crying, she tried to stop the bleeding, but she could. Kingsley had smiled as he told swift to stop, he wanted swift to let him die, he had begun to speak to her, his worded forced and weak as he felt his life slip away.
04.08.2022 18:55
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“Swift…it’s okay….don’t cry baby girl..I’m not leaving ok?..remember….the promise I made you?…that I wouldn’t leave you?…well…I won’t..because…a promise is a promise…and…I want you.?..to know something…” he held on to dear life to tell swift this, he hoped she would live a good life, despite him being dead “when…we all die…we..go to a very nice place…you can see it yet…but....you will soon…you….we….will be able…to see each other again….I promise….” As he spoke those last words, his eyes grew dull as he took his last breath, swift sobbed, hugging her papa, she didn’t want him to leave, not yet. This moment, in swifts life, it broke her. After more time had passed, swift had begun to have trouble deciphering what was real and what wasn’t, she grew multiple personalities, each one was triggered but different words, or actions. Rose was disgusting, she grew hatred for her child, but eventually had another child, Alastor, swift had a brother now. Rose favorited Him, while she still despised swift. But despite that
04.08.2022 18:56
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swift was excited for this. She eventually met Grayson, a male fox humanoid, she had fallen for him, she was young so she did t know much about love. Soon they began to know each other, growing closer, and becoming a couple. Swift was happy, till Grayson began to show his true self, he was selfish, rude, mean, and a pervert. Swift had broken up with him, but Grayson forced her to go back with him, she refused but Grayson, he r@ped her, and swift had gone back with him, she hated it so much. Swift eventually met Graysons friends, they were jerks and would pick on her daily durning school. She began to grow sick of this. one night, Grayson told swift to meet him in an Alleyway, and she did so. Only to find Graysons friends waiting. They grabbed her and began to beat her, Grayson soon came and watched her get hurt. Soon swift snapped. She pushed the boys away and attacked Grayson, sucking his blood, she never knew she was partially a blood sucked, till now.
04.08.2022 18:56
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She ran home after this, scared the craving for blood grew stronger but she held back. Few years later had gone by. Soon Swift was 28 and alastor was 17. The both loved pulling pranks on people, sometimes stealing for fun, by always giving back the stuff.
04.08.2022 18:57
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One day, they both had snuck into a building, a tall one. They went to the room and watched the night sky, alastor was fooling around while swift was sitting looking at the stars. Alastor had gone to the edge playing around, and said “Ohhhh I hope I don’t falll!”
04.08.2022 18:57
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But he slipped, falling over the edge, he held onto the side, swift had gone to help but, it began to happen again, where things that weren’t there, appeared, speaking to her, thus, triggering one of her few personalities. This personality, was more of a murderous kind, alastor knew about her problem so he was terrified as he saw her switch personalities, crying out fearful words “S-Swift! Don’t let go please! I-I’m begging!!!” He had stuttered. Swift, she didn’t listen and spoke into his ear “sleep well~~ Little brother~”. She let go, watching him fall to his death. Soon snapping out of it, and realized what she had done, she ran down to the bottom of the building, only to find alastor, dead on the ground, some of his limbs ripped from his body from the impacts, part of his head missing from the impact as well. She had screamed crying. She felt terrible and couldn’t forgive herself. Years passed by since both incidents. Once night, swift was driving home, she got herself a house since she was sick and tired.
04.08.2022 18:57
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Then it happened once again, her brain played tricks on her, imagining alastor beside her, telling her how it was her fault her father died, how it was her fault alastor died. She was also drunk, she wasn’t paying attention to the road, and she crashed into a truck, she flew out the window, now laying on the car, her face bled as she was in pain, her blood spilling from the large wound on her face as she couldn’t see, she soon passed out the ambulance came and tried to save her, but she fell into a coma unfortunately.
04.08.2022 18:58
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Alastor, was there, but dead, his soul watched her, he felt awful seeing what he had done, he didn’t mean for this to happen, he didn’t know Swift was drunk. But because of this, he was banned from heaven, now a fallen Angel. Soon Swift died in her coma, and the only person who came to her funeral was her therapist, they both would talk to each other, they were like family. Year passing by, and swift woke up, she didn’t know where it was but it was dark. She soon realized that she was underground , but not in a coffin.
04.08.2022 18:58
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She climbed out the ground, her eyes in pain as she saw the sun’s light. Blind, in her right eye from the wound from the car accident. She could breath, her heart didn’t beat, she, she was dead, but, alive somehow. She stood up, she was in a forest, she felt something on her back so she turned around, nothing, still feeling it she turned around again, nothing, but then, she saw wings on her back, she freaked out, confused and scared. She soon got used to this, she wore new clothes, acted different, but still was the same, she still had trouble telling what was real and what was fake, she still had multiple personalities. But she managed. Soon she learned about the magic she had, she’s had it since she was born but never knew, she practiced her magic, growling stringer everyday, and not only that found her father, who became an Angel after she died and watched her throughout her whole life, alastor, hated swift but that hate grew less after some time, they were all happy once more.
04.08.2022 18:58
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And this, is Swifts Backstory
04.08.2022 18:58
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My hands…A H
04.08.2022 19:03
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I like this backstory better than her old one
04.08.2022 19:01
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Dude I feel bad for swift 🏃
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04.08.2022 19:02
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Poor swift Jesus-
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