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11.11.2017 14:39
LinkWarrior Cats type?

Name:Cotton grass
Gender:female (she-cat)
Type of cat:Calico
Bio:she can be full of herself,she blends in best in late fall,she's fast on her feet and smart so she uses that in battle,often tries to play a leader roll,she has trouble being a warrior though because she doesn't really like fighting,she can be a bit of a brat at times,prefers to hunt in groups because she hates to do the dirty work

Name:Bear Star
Gender:Male (Tom)
Type of cat:Main coon
Bio:he is short tempered,loyal,often quiet,he uses his size,and strength in battle but due to his size he's not as fast,he's usually the one in the back or middle when heading into battle,he lost his tail when he was a kit to a bear trap,he's buff and scary on the outside but a real sweet heart on the inside