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Tinypool's story
07.08.2019 04:13
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when Tinypool was a kit she had three sisters Goldenkit, Petalkit, and Otterkit she was oldest and their mom died by a rouge attack....they had no one left and had to live in the nursery for a long while since they were half a moon when Tinypool became an apprentice she wasn't expecting to be the medic's apprentice she hated her life when that happened and cried for 3 moons and hardly ate but when she had a vision from Starclan her life turned around when she was a kit she met Lionkit a kit Moonstar and Tinypool had a crush on but he died by a hawk when Tinypool finally became a medicine cat she acted happy when she was in deep sorrow wanting to be a warrior and wanting a mate and kits and her when she met Divel she hought she finally met someone but remembered medics can't have matesand then an attack from Bloodclan came killing Divel and making her life harder and her story still continues
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