- create flipbook animations online!
Thing that make me angry
18.03.2018 06:22
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When someone tells me something obvious as if I didn't know it in a serious way. Like did I in any way seem like I didn't know water was wet dude? I'd be less insulted if you called me dumb to my freaking face. Like just don't do that, I know I'm not the smartest but I'm no Brittany (Glee references yay) When people will joke about crushes or overreact. It's not that big of a deal if your friend likes someone. That's normal. It's not extremely rare for two people to like each other. Well, maybe for you it is (oohhhHHHH) When people I don't like hit on me and won't freaking stop. When someone is talking to me about something I know all about and act like they know everything about. Like, no you do not know what pencil brand is the best and if I'm drawing wrong you are not even close to an artist you are a math nerd the last time I saw you draw was when you were little like just don't. No, you do not know if I am singing in the wrong pitch. Just don't please just shh quiet.
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