I will try and answer everyone


23.08.2019 17:25
LinkYea, how come my dad hasn't been here for over 3 years?

23.08.2019 17:26
LinkOh...because he married my mom lmao

23.08.2019 17:27
LinkThat's gay.

23.08.2019 17:28

How long have you been drawing and how did you find ur art style?
Are you excited for the new Steven universe movie or nah?
Do you paint irl?

I have been drawing ever since i remember, however, I started really getting into it when i was in grade 8,ummm...I feel that my art styl is a combination of Disney/Pixar animation styles + some improvised features in the face.
I dont really watch any movies tbh...It looks cool tho!!!!
I do paint in real life, mostly watercolour, I would say i like painting realistic animals and people...Im way better at drawing in rl then i am on here lol