Crush song map
03.11.2019 17:42
Link1. Hush hush hush, blush blush blush! You are now my big, fat crush!
2. I’m single as I can be,
3. Your single perfect for me!
4. I’m gonna give you a bunch of reasons why you should date me!
5. Reason number 1, i’m super hot,
6. Reason number 2 she’s super not!
7. Reason number three, i’m all you got and all you got is someone hot!
8. Boi, check my resume you want a background check, ok!
9. First name hot and last name *****,
10 wanna get with me now that’s a cinch!
11. You think i’m Trash, Hell no i’m Class, AND I GOT A BIG FAT ASS!
12. And all I can say is, please date me!
13. Because, i’m Single, S I N G L E
14. Love me, and hug me, and touch me, and well, **** ME!!!
03.11.2019 17:44
LinkYou can have up to two parts, they must be in order though!!! When done drawing them, please attach the anim to your comment saying, ‘i’m Done!’. Then, I will look at it!
03.11.2019 18:03
Link1, 2 are taken by: VoidAnimationz!
03.11.2019 18:36
Link14 taken by: EmilyHeart!
03.11.2019 18:37
Link13 taken by: HoomanBean!