- create flipbook animations online!
10.04.2022 13:27
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Different Drabbles correlating to my fantasy au!
10.04.2022 14:23
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Kai knit her brows as she sat in the cave, “you couldn’t possibly be suggesting that we’re similar, Khan.” Her blue eyes studied the herculean figure that walked around the shallow cave, tossing pieces of firewood into the live coals. He turned his head to her, a slight grin on his face, “we’re both exiles, we’re not what we’re supposed to be- tch, what? Don’t like what you see in the mirror? Perhaps I could flex a bit- make it easier on the eyes-“ He let out a hearty laugh, the golden chains on his horns rattling a bit as he shuffled forwards, proceeding to pose rather cockily. She adverted her eyes from him, letting out an annoyed huff as she fumbled with the hems of her silk robes, “You and me are nothing alike.. you’re- ugh! You stand there, flexing your muscles and huffing like some beast of war with no thoughts but conquest!” Khan’s green gaze glinted at this comment and he began to kneel down, a smirk on his face, “Mm- that’s right, these big, muscled hands could
10.04.2022 14:31
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Tear those pretty robes off while you struggled, helpless in my grasps.. I would pin you down, and as you gripped my horns, I would conquer you.” His clawed hand grazed her leg briefly before she stiffened up on the pile of pelts, “Ah- what, Khan?” Kai stared at him blankly, her face dusted with a bright shade of pink. Khan’s expression faltered briefly, “What? Uh.. was that not where we were going? Tch, what a shame..” He began to sit back on his knees, laughing a bit as he slid his dark hair from his face. Kai was trembling, “No! That was certainly not where this was going! You- you disgusting beast! All you crave is blood and sex- I can’t believe you would even entertain that thought-“ Khan huffed and sat there infront of her, a small, hopeful smile still on his face, “you’re simply basing those thoughts on old stories to scare children.. mmph.. Kai,” he paused, staring into her eyes now, “you carry around this picture of the Khalani people in your mind..
10.04.2022 14:36
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You see us as this terrible, forbidden thing.. and you’re inclined to do the forbidden.” Kai quickly turned her gaze away, drawing her legs up to her chest as she huffed irritably, “I have no clue what you are talking about.” He stared at her for another moment before beginning to get to his feet, “All I’m saying is, if you ever want to explore that- my door is always open.” Her eyes widened again, it was just one thing after another with this man, “I- ah! You are impossible!- this is- augh!” Khan laughed joyfully again, “tch- good! I like the energy, mhialt! Keep stoking those fires.” He turned, trotting to another section of the cave, disappearing in the darkness and leaving the woman alone.
10.04.2022 14:40
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(Mhialt means beautiful in his language yea yea
10.04.2022 14:40
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“I don’t trust the khalani people.. you’re all far too aggressive.” Hyatt grumbled lowly as he trudged along the snowy path, his feet sinking. Khan grinned a bit, “Tch- I’m a mage as well, so the khalani scorn me too. Would you prefer me bound and leashed?-“ Hyatt paused as he continued infront of the man, “..I’d buy you dinner first.” Khan snorted, “preferably before you sewed my mouth shut.” Hyatt whipped his head around to face Khan, “ that depends on how much longer you intend on running your mouth- shut up.”
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