Geez,, these pants are TIGHT.


04.03.2025 19:27
04.03.2025 19:31

04.03.2025 19:35
LinkUh… I think. That the pants look great on you..!

04.03.2025 19:41
LinkYou really think so?

04.03.2025 19:43

04.03.2025 20:08
LinkI'm starting to think that really isn't the case.

04.03.2025 20:13
LinkWhat? No I thoroughly enjoy these pants on you,, I’m sure they’d look better off of you buuuuttttttt I guess I won’t complain very muuuch cause I’ve still got a great view!
((Flirty Elliot be upon ye or smth idk

04.03.2025 20:17
LinkAah.. Oh, please. You flatter me....

04.03.2025 20:20
LinkI’m being serious! You’re really handsome,, gorgeous even-
((They need 2 die I hate them

04.03.2025 20:26
LinkC'monn... You're really makin' me feel the hots 'ere...!!!

04.03.2025 20:30
LinkAnd now you’re cute with that red face of yours,, you really are just amazing,

04.03.2025 20:42
Link[ He was giggling, fiddling with his hair, trying to conceal that fact he was blushing. ]
I think you're the amazin' one here.. You're very sweet, kind, loving... How could anyone just like... Not love a face like yours, huh? I'd have to say you have better looks than mine.. You're quite charming. And strong ... I like everything about you.

04.03.2025 20:51
Link*he paused for a moment, smiling warmly. Letting the compliments flood into his ears and soak into his brain. He felt his cheeks heating up, now becoming a soft red in hue as he gazed at them lovingly.*
Aw,, chance,,,,, I,, I like everything about you too.. you’re so great and funny- charming and.. yeah a little silly at times but.. that’s what makes you so.. likable! I can come to you for anything and- mm..
*elliot had to stop himself for a second, as he had been getting himself all worked up and emotional over this. So instead of words, he just pulled chance into a big, almost rib crushing hug.*

04.03.2025 21:11
Link[ A grunt emitted from Chance, not really expecting the hug, but he seemed to quite enjoy it, humming in content. Arms come around Elliot's shoulders. ]
A might fine grip there, huh, tiger?

04.03.2025 21:11

04.03.2025 21:16
Link((I ****ing giggled
Ah- too tight?? Sorry! Sorry,,
*he chuckled sheepishly, loosening the hug just a bit, nestling his face into the crook of the man’s neck*

05.03.2025 02:14
LinkI mean, I didn't quite mind it, but thank you for alleviating some of the pressure...
[ Moving his head to the side, allowing Elliot more room, resting his eyes. Smiling... ]

05.03.2025 02:42
LinkNo problem!!
*he hummed contentedly, pausing before a small idea popped into his head. Grinning before planting a light kiss on their neck, rather close to a scar; His next kiss hed plant would be directly on a scar.*

05.03.2025 02:56
Link[ Chance swallowed hard, eyes shutting... Gripping onto Elliot. He hadn't a clue on what to say, face becoming increasingly hot. Tense... ]

05.03.2025 03:31
Link*elliot was unsure if the reaction he’d been given was good or not, so he stopped, instead deciding to go for the man’s face instead. Cupping his cheeks in his hands while kissing the reddest parts of him, hoping to make them a deeper red. He thought he was quite pretty when his face was all hot, such a beautiful shade of red on him,,*

05.03.2025 05:47
Link[ They'd swallow whatever was clogging up his throat, still rather nervous... Tilting his head to the side even more. Almost like he wanted more kisses on his neck,,, It felt quite nice. The kisses he was receiving only served to make them even more flustered, but he knew he'd have to step away eventuallyy.... ]

05.03.2025 07:40
Link*Elliot giggled just a little, planting a few more kisses on his face before moving them down to their jawline. He was quite entertained by all of this, the little reactions he’d get, how nervous the other was.. it was cute.*
You don’t need to be so nervous hun.. I don’t bite,,