More Florvidae info below!!!
16.04.2020 13:04
16.04.2020 13:13
LinkHerd Positions:
-Tracker: The leader of the herd, brings the herd to every migration stop (only one per herd)
-Assistant Tracker: They know every migration stop, they help the tracker, and they can take control if the tracker dies (only one per herd)
-Herb collectors: They know where all the medicinal herbs are a the migration stops, and which ones to use for each injury/sickness (multiple per herd)
-Protectors: They protect their herd from predators, other herds, and hostile Florvidae within their herd. There are protectors who only protect jaws called Fawn Protectors (multiple per herd)
-Hunters: They hunt the prey, but they also gather plants. They are in charge of all herd members getting a. fair share of food (multiple per herd)
-Fawn Mothers: A temporary job, they give birth to the fawns and teach them herd ways and how to survive (random per herd)
-Fawns: The future of the herd, they don't do much, but the Assistant Tracker decides whether they will be an Herb Colloctor, Protector, or Hunter
16.04.2020 13:17
Link(random per herd)
-Trainers: a temporary job, They teach 6 year old fawns how to be an herb collector/protector/hunter, their job is alway what they are teaching the fawn to become (random per herd)
-Elders: too old and weak to do their job and/or travel anymore, so they lay around at the last migration stop the herd stopped at, and when it is time for the herd to move again, they stay behind and eventually die (random, but very few, er herd)