
uno punch man and cool cyborg

I bin done reanimated it

Muni Ledd

Leon evolves into a big boy

The Battle of The Century

anywya i think i have adhd


06.08.2022 08:57

BASED TBH!! bc i actually never had any energy all my life, but i think that was bc i was putting up a mask
i remember a family member told my mum how good i was at holding conversations, that's bc i just faked my way through it hhh
after just sorta accepting myself for who i am i have had a lot more energy
but ive also struggled with putting things off my whole life, like if i dont do it RN i will never do it, yk?

But honestly, the hyperactivity hasn't been the issue since 5th grade. The low self esteem, self worth, and lack of worth ethic it inflicts have really been my only issues since, and it's honestly a bit sad that it doesn't get the awareness the illness deserves. Because it has its own unique struggles, but is often condensed to just "hyper and can't focus" to most people.

Bro I have so much school trauma. I was the weird kid in every school I went to because I was impulsive and like. Very easily seen as not neurotypical. To the point where I was bullied alot, just being told to "ignore it" and "keep my head down" instead of just being myself with my few friends. Teachers weren't usually my problem?? But I disliked some of them, students were the biggest issue though, paired with the low self esteem. And now that I'm properly diagnosed now, I probably had depression back then too, as I do now. Honestly, I have my bf to thank for getting me through it, I probably would've kms otherwise because it was so goddamn brutal everyday

BRO ive gotten the same thing with the 'ignore it' stuff omfgg
and im glad ur doing better now ^_^
i can sort of relate to the bullying
as i am physically big i think most kids r scared of me, but ive had kids pick on me for being overweight and it's one of my biggest insecurities
my bestie was more-so the one who was the weird kid, prolly bc she never hid the fact she has autism
i dont think she was bullied so much as picked on, but it's probably for the best she's best friends with one of the 'cool kids' at school (if u can call me that lmao)