you ever just fhjfuudhufhfhuhf
27.02.2019 06:16
27.02.2019 06:16
Linklike if you agree
god anytime anyone shows me any sort of affection i just act really awkward cause honestly idk how to receive affection
but then people think Im uncomfortable so then they just dont and ahshsjkls
I am just awful and dont know how to act like a person
I want to be more outgoing
and I want to try and improve on that
and also compliment strangers more and just generally get more comfortable talking to strangers
but also
hhhhhhrgghrggg voiice
I avoid any kind of conversation and hope no one acknowledges me as a human being
just nod and hope they think Im just a prepubescent boy and not a lesbian
uguhjghju last time I went to burger king and ordered, when they asked for a name for the order, I told them my name, aaron, but when I got my reciept and went to wait for my food I looked at how they spelled my name and they spelled it erin, and dfhhfhhhhhhhdjjd honestly murdered me and I ****ing hate my voice and I hate talking