J.R.R. Tolkien


06.07.2021 06:27

06.07.2021 06:30
LinkMy inspiration is a man named J.R.R. Tolkien. A courageous, amazing, and gifted man who wrote several novels, and is still prosperously being published long after death.
Tolkien was more than just an ordinary book author, living his days in comfort. In fact, he was much more than that.
Tolkien enlisted in World War 1, and fought in the terrible, dreading Battle of Somme, one of the worst battles in all of WW1. And John Reuel Tolkien saw the carnage and bloodshed first hand. All of his friends, all his acquaintances who were in the army with him-
Tolkien eventually got Trench Fever, a terrible sickness caused by dreadful conditions (as he was in, considering he lived in a trench with hundreds of other men, fighting every day).
Tolkien was sent back home, where he had loads of ideas for writing. He began very quickly.

06.07.2021 06:32
LinkDripping with PTSD, Tolkien managed to write The Hobbit, which was an instant success. Thousands of copies were made.
In fact, a german company wanted to make a german translation of The Hobbit for Tolkien. This was during World War 2, before Tolkien even knew about the holocaust.
They had to clarify that J.R.R. Tolkien had no jewish blood, and Tolkien got very mad at them, and nearly refused to sell the book to them. In the end, he was forced to, and gave it grudgingly.

06.07.2021 06:33
LinkTolkien then proceeded to write The Lord of the Rings, and after 17 years worth of writing, he finished the highly detailed, amazing book series.

06.07.2021 06:35
LinkNot only does J.R.R. Tolkien have the most detailed fictional world, with 3 ages packed with intense amounts of knowledge and history, along with thousands of maps, and not only is he considered the Father of Fantasy novels, but he is also an amazing war veteran, who lost it all but found his way back.

06.07.2021 06:36
LinkSo you see, when I say I love J.R.R. Tolkien, and his works, I know why I do.
Every drawing of Frodo, or of Bilbo, or of Gandalf, is inspired from the pits of my heart connecting with the amazing, wonderful, and truly intellectual genius: J.R.R. Tolkien.

06.07.2021 06:39
LinkInteresting fact: historians found in a letter to his son, J.R.R. Tolkien had referred to Adolf Hitler as a 'ruddy little ignoramus'.
Tolkien was also known for despising Walt Disney, and his works, as he made 'Fairy tales a childhood thing' and that they should remain an important piece of poetry instead.

ig hard work pays off! also- yesim going to like tell everyone bc its important:
the email you used to make an fa acc. if you remember it, i think you should try signing into a device with it, bc so far 3 ppl's, including myself, email accs have been hacked. And all of them were unfortunately our school accs. Im sorry if this worries you, but i thinks its kinda important